(Malcolm X)
Regardless of what people say, being a black woman in America is one of the hardest things a person can ever do. The utter disrespect and hatred of the black woman is apparent in every aspect of everyday life. From advertisements of blond, white women to lack of representation in American government to the constant jokes portraying their struggles—black women have nothing. Many people would argue that I am being overdramatic, that there are much worse things. I’m not denying that other pains in life aren’t excruciating but I want to emphasize that almost every marginalized group on the planet has at least some reconciliation after centuries of hatred. …show more content…
Lets start by sex and gender. Men have always had it better; even a man in a tough situation has more respect and power than a woman in every facet of life. Men get paid more, men have complete autonomy over their bodies, men are the head of the family, men have privileges that women have never experienced since the beginning of time. Laws and regulations have been put in place worldwide throughout time that makes men the higher-class citizen. Biologically speaking men have it easier; men do not have to deal with menstruation or pregnancy nor do they have a clock that expires. Doctors are trained to look for male specific symptoms of illnesses before looking at women’s (e.g. heart attacks). Even through their roughest days, men are never told they are being bossy or rude. Trust and respect isn’t earned but a right for them.
In terms of race, black people have dealt with more than most other groups can even fathom. What other group faced years of slavery…and still has yet to receive any reparations? What other group had their entire continent taken over and culturally ruined? What other group has more people in jail than out? What other group has a slur so terrible and conflicting that no one knows how to address it? What other group has suffered at the hands of police brutality to the point where a movement had to be started asking to not be killed? What other group is least represented in media and government but is still told they are being dramatic?
Now lets combine those two: race and sex/gender.
Not only do black women have to face the obstacles that come with being a female (by sex and by gender) but also they must combat racism at every turn. The media tells black women that they aren’t beautiful. The educational system tells black women that they aren’t intelligent. The police system tells black women that their safety isn’t a priority. The government tells black women that they are at the bottom of the bottom in terms of welfare. The male population tells them they are brutal, uncaring, and ugly. The black population tells them that they are cold, lonely sluts and whores with too many issues. The health system barely even acknowledges their issues, sometimes even restricting pain management medication from them because they are “strong enough” to handle it. The world tells them that they are untalented, unintelligent, ugly, uninformed, overly brutal, and that their existence is not needed on this planet. Yet people still argue that black women are nothing but shrews with too much time on their hands to stew about privileges that should be earned, according to the