In the past 3 weeks we have been dissecting animals of all different sorts. We dissected a worm, crayfish, grasshopper, and a perch (fish). In my conclusion I will explain the diet, habitat, and how these relate to the structure of these animals.
First I am going to be talking about the worm. The Earthworms have setae in groups around or under their body. The setae, paired in groups on each segment, can be moved in and out to grip the ground or the walls of a burrow. Worms travel through underground tunnels or move on the soil by using their setae, pushing themselves forward or backward using strong stretching and contracting muscles this is how it moves. It has other important functions such as how it in gets it oxygen this is how, the earthworms respire through their skin, and therefore require humid conditions to prevent drying out. They coat themselves in mucus to allow the passage of dissolved oxygen into their bloodstream. The earth transports oxygen and carbon dioxide through the earthworm’s skin by diffusion. For diffusion to occur, the earthworm’s skin must be kept moist or wet. It transports waste through the digestive system, the earthworms eat the soil which has organic matter such as decaying vegetation or leaves. After organic matter is digested, the earthworm releases waste from their bodies called castings. Castings contain many nutrients that the plant can use. Some people even use earthworm castings as garden fertilizer this is one of the unique characteristics of the worm.
Second, I will be talking about the grasshopper. The grasshopper moves by their back two legs, but cannot move unless their bodies are warm. So, in the morning, grasshoppers lie in the sun. When it is warm enough, a grasshopper can move around. Another function is how it breaths or respire, on each of the first eight abdominal segments on opposite sides the grasshopper has small air hole. These holes lead to a network of tubes (trageas) that branch throughout