Alcohol Abuse
Carolien Wesselink
Table of Contents
- Background 3 - Statement of the Problem 4 - Objectives of dissertation research 5 - Specific research questions 5 - Assumptions and limitations 6 - Definition of Terms 7
Literature Review - Alcohol Policy: Political Statements 8 - Alcohol Policy: The preventive Approach 9 - Influences on Behavior 11 - Alcohol Trends 13 - Conceptual Framework 14
- Brief overview 16 - Research Design 16 - Methods for data collection 16 - Data Analysis 17 - Appendices (Survey, Interview) 18
-Introduction 20
-Analysis of Survey 20
-Analysis of Interview’s 21
-Discussion 25
Conclusion 28
References 29
The use of alcohol beverages goes a long time back. It is known that at least 6000 B.C. the first alcohol was consumed. In Ancient Greece wine was very popular, however alcohol was expensive and people did not consume a lot. This stayed this way until after the Middle Ages. The wines made at that time had a low alcohol percentage and putrefied very quickly.
In the late Middle Ages the Arabic’s came to The Netherlands and brought their distillation techniques. With these techniques alcoholic beverages became more and more popular. Due to the fact that alcoholic beverages were still expensive they were not available for large groups.
This changed in the 17th century. It was discovered that strong liquor could be made from corn and beets. These commodities were a lot cheaper and so the price of alcohol decreased, therefore alcoholic beverages became available for everybody. This did not mean that the alcohol consumption was rising due to the fact that the use of alcohol was still somehow luxurious.
This changed between 1960 and 1990 when a growing group of people earned more money, so all prices of different
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