In contemporary social and with the world econo006Dy expand. It has produced a great number of multinational banks, those banks in order to achieve more profit, they expand and develop to emerging countries, which is called foreign direct investment (FDI). So, in this report, in order to much better understand some information about FDI, especially FDI impact of foreign retail banking investment in China on the commercial performance Chinese retail banks. Besides, by using Chinese bank industry as a example. In this research, these can be broken down into four broad categories: one is reasons for foreign retail banks to come to emerging countries such as China? Another factor is foreign banking investment impact on Chinese banks ' performance. Following is FDI impact on banking market share. And lastly is FDI influence on banking industry’s revenue and profits. In addition, above these four elements are penetrated into every chapter, like Chapter 1--literature review, it is discussion of relevant existing academic literature about impact of foreign retail banking investment in China on the commercial performance Chinese retail banks. And chapter 2--research design section, it is rationale for the chosen method and details of the procedures adopted on impact of foreign retail banking investment in China on the commercial performance Chinese retail banks. Moreover, chapter 3--results and findings section. It is making a conclusion on this research by using some relevant data and information. Last, chapter 4--discussion and analysis of findings section. It is relating them to the academic literature discussed earlier on Impact of foreign retail banking investment in China on the commercial performance Chinese retail banks. Here is a basic concept of china’s banking system and foreign banking entry.
China’s Banking
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