The work I have submitted is my own effort. I certify that all the material in this Dissertation, which is not my own work, has been identified and acknowledged. No materials are included for which a degree has been previously conferred upon me.
Date: 18/01/2012
The retention of human resources has been shown to be momentous to the development and the accomplishment of the organization’s goals and objectives. The primary aim of this study is to explore the main factors that affect workforce retention in the United Kingdom based company known as ICELAND. 35 surveys distributed to two stores of Iceland located at Leytonstone and Gants hill workforce. The survey questions designed to determine three elements of retention Training and Development, Challenging work assignments and opportunities and Remuneration and Recognition
The result of the study shows that benefit factor such as Training and career development opportunities were rated as most important to the Company workforce, to arrange the training program of the better results for the employees.
The primary data were collected by internet, questionnaire, survey and personal interviews. The pilot test was carried out to corroborate the questionnaire with the observed result. Once all the data were collected, they were analyzed in order to determine the different factors impacting employees’ retention. All of the tests were satisfying which helped me conclude that Employee’s
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