Dissertation Topics List 2014-15
If you are interested in any of the following dissertation topics then please talk to the member of staff listed as the contact, to find out more about what might be involved.
The following are not exhaustive lists of projects but do serve to illustrate the sorts of topic in which staff have expertise. If you are interested in a particular subject area/idea that does not appear anywhere below, then please talk to an appropriate member of academic staff about your idea (see URLs for staff personal pages) or discuss the topic with your Personal Tutor. Students on the MSc Information Systems programme will receive a separate email early in Semester-2 listing possible dissertation topics in the
Department of Computer Science if they wish to carry out their project there rather than in the Information School.
Jo Bates (http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/is/staff/bates)
Research Interests
My research focuses on understanding the socio-cultural and political economic factors shaping developments around the production, flow and re-use of data, including the ideas, practices and policies shaping the production and distribution of datasets and their re-use by third parties including citizens and businesses. I am particularly interested in the opening of data that are produced by public bodies.
I am interested in the intersections and relations between civil society ‘interest groups’ that are organising around informational issues (e.g. Open Data, Internet Governance), business interests including transnational corporations, financial markets, SMEs and entrepreneurs, and governing institutions such as local and national governments and international organisations. In particular, I am interested in how the interrelations between these groups shape the flow of data in the global political economy e.g. re-use of public sector information, data protection and privacy, intellectual property rights, and right to information.