In the final scene of Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai it starts with a medium close up of the last three living samurai out of the starting seven. In the foreground stands Kambei Shimada, our samurai who led the entire village with the other six samurai by his side. Standing slight behind him is Shichirōji, his lieutenant. And further behind Shichirōji is Okamoto, the youngest of the samurai, and Kambei’s disciple. Kurosawa was purposefully blocking these characters in their order of skill and authority.
After getting a medium close up stationed overhead a villager pounding a drum, and setting the pace for planting new crops for the next season there is a cut back to the previous shot. Kambei lowers his head and turns away from the villagers so he can no longer view them planting. As Kambei walks off screen and away from the villagers, you get the sense by his posture that he’s not only turning his back on the scene, but on the villagers themselves. Kambei does not seem as inclined or interested in the villagers anymore, breaking the sense of unity that was shared during those final battles. The other two samurai are confused, but wordlessly follow him. Okamoto is hardly ready
Cited: Cardullo, Bert. "The Circumstance of the East, the Fate of the West: Notes Mostly on The Seven Samurai."Literature Film Quarterly. 13.2 (1985): 112-117. Print. Mazz Mr, . "Editing and Akira Kurosawa: Seven Samurai (1954) - Samurai Beauty." Screened. N.p., 29 Nov 2012. Web. Web. .