Magdallen N. J (PhD)
African Virtual University (HQ)
P. O. Box xxxxxxxxx
Nairobi - Kenya
Tel: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fax: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Presented to
United Nations Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Study Approach………………………………………………………………………..4
1.0 The Target Audience of Decision Makers of the Knowledge
Base in Kenya.…………………………………………………………..……4
1.1 Profiles and Institutional Setting of the Ministry of Science and Technology………………………………………………………..5
1.2 Institutional Setting of Distance Education in Public Universities in Kenya……………………………………………………………….6
1.3 Other Decision Makers in the Provision of Distance Education……..13
1.3.1 Commission for Higher Education…………………………………...13
1.3.2 The Open Learning Distance Education Association of
East Africa (OLDEA-EA)……………………………………………16 Open Learning Association of Kenya………………………………..17
2.0 Tasks and Challenges Facing Target Audience and Decision Makers….18
2.1 Major Tasks Facing Decision Makers in Kenya……………………..19
2.1.1 Increase Enrolment in Higher Education………………………….…19
2.1.2 Increase Opportunities for Relevant Degree Courses………………..20
2.1.3 Increase Opportunities and Access to Continuing Distance Education……………………………………………………………..21
2.1.4 Provide Opportunity for Women Education in Science & Engineering…………………………………………………………..22
2.2 Challenges Facing Distance Education Decision Makers in Kenya…23
2.2.1 Lack of Funds………………………………………………………...23
2.2.2 Lack of a Clear Understanding of Distance Education………………23
2.2.3 Poor Teaching/Learning Practices……………………………………24
2.2.4 Outdated Facilities……………………………………………………24
2.2.5 Inadequate Resources.…………………………………………….….24
2.2.6 Inadequate Library
References: Maina, M. 1976 Adult Education in Kenya in Maktaba, Vol. 3. No. 2. Mason, R. 2001 Institutional Models for Virtual Universities in F.T. Tschang and T.D. Senta (eds.) Access to Knowledge: New Information Technologies and Emergence of the Virtual University, UNESCO/Pergamon. Musa, M.B., 1994 Extension Education and the Role of University Extension Departments, International Review of Education Vol. 40. No. 2. Republic of Kenya, 1985, The Universities Act, 1985, Nairobi, Government Printer Republic of Kenya, 2001, The Economic Survey 2001, Nairobi, Government Printer