3. 2 CHRONICLES 2 11. What did King Solomon purposed to build for the name of the Lord? g. Temple verse 1 12. Who was king of Tyre? King Huram 2verse 3 13. Supply the missing phrase, " The house which Iam to build will be h. great, for our God is............."greater than the gods 2verse 5
i. 2 CHRONICLES 3 14. What did King Solomon build on Mount Moriah? The house of the i. Lord 3verse 1 15. In the most Holy Place he made ....................? Two cherubims of j. wood 3verse 10 16. What was the name of the northern pillar in front of the temple? k. Bo`az 3verse 17
ii. 2 CHRONICLES 4 17. Huram also made the ........... and ............ and the basins. pots, l. shovels 4verse 11 18. In which verse are the following words found, " So Solomon made all m. the things that were in the house of the LORD." verse 19 of 2 n. Chronicles 4
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