School of Language, Arts and Media
UU114: English for Academic Purposes
MID-SEMESTER TEST Semester 1, 2011
Time Allowed: 110 minutes (1 hour 50 minutes)
Reading time: 10 minutes
Marks: 30 (15% of the Coursework)
Number of questions to be answered: ALL
Number of pages: 9 (including this page)
Task 1: Vocabulary and Critique (20 marks)
Read the article entitled “Distinguishing Sex and Gender” on the following pages, and answer Questions 1 and 2 below.
Question 1: (5 marks)
Choose ANY five from the following selection of phrases from the text and explain clearly what they mean in this context.
a. reduce discrimination and defuse misconceptions (paragraph 2)
b. entrenched biases (paragraph 2)
c. critical ways (paragraph 3)
d. remains constant (paragraph 3)
e. constructions become infused with cultural values (paragraph 4)
f. societal notions (paragraph 4)
g. diverge (paragraph 5)
h. conflated in the public discourse (paragraph 6)
i. incorporates several distinct elements (paragraph 7)
j. distinction (paragraph 7)
Question 1: (5 marks) Choose ANY five phrases from the text and explain clearly what they mean in the context.
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________
Bibliography: and it appeared on page 3 of the newspaper The Australian on Monday March 9, 2009. d. In the Fiji Times Online there appeared on March 18, 2011 an article by Frederica Elbourne entitled Quake advice