"Distracted Driving." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.…
This article is another informative work on the dangers on distracted driving. This article, however, includes distractions from hands-free devices that allow one to have a phone conversation without holding a phone to his or her ear. A study showed that someone texting or having a conversation on a wireless headset drove as poorly as someone whose blood alcohol concentration was above the legal limits in Australia and Spain, where this was tested (0.5 grams per liter). The study also found that when the conversation over the headset was simple, the driver drove as someone under the influence of alcohol with a 0.4 g/L BAC. When the conversation was intense, the driver drove similar to someone with a BAC of 0.7, which is almost illegal in the United States. When texting, the study found someone drives similar to someone with a BAC of 1, which is illegal in every country mentioned.…
Using the cellphone while driving can kill and should be outlawed. What makes so dangerous is that you are not focusing on road. In the article How the Brain reacts by Marcel Just and Tim Keller -Marcel is a D.O professor of psychology…
People may urge that they are responsible enough to operate a cell phone and drive at the same time but if this were the case why is it that many injuries and deaths have been involved inquiring these two? We are completely distracted when using our phone. Their not only being used for talking, but sending texts, playing games, and simply not concentrating on the road. When your not focusing specifically on the road you are at risk. Not only putting yourself in danger but passengers, other vehicle, and bystanders as well.…
The use of cellular devices while driving is now illegal in some states. This is due to the fact that when drivers behind the wheel of a car their only priority should be to drive. While driving and on a phone at the same time a driver is going to be distracted, and when drivers are distracted they are more likely to cause or be involved in an accident. Although it may seem entertaining and fun, driving while using a cellular device can lead to major problems. For example, driving while on a handheld device will lead to distracted driving. It has been scientifically proven that humans are not good at multitasking. We tend to put most of our focus into one thing at a time, while leaving the other task setting in the background. Because of this…
The National Safety Council states that: “cell phone use while driving causes 1.6 million crashes each year.” Texting while driving is mostly operated by teenagers, but as society develops a lot of adults are starting to contribute to it as well. Texting while driving is very distracting to the driver. Texting while driving has also become a recent and huge problem in our communities. About 78 percent of people own cell phones today and just imagine how many of those people own and operate a vehicle. A lot of people like to use social media while driving such as snapchat, facebook, twitter or instagram and that is just as equally as bad while driving. Some other people like to play games while driving. Cell phone companies have evolved phones…
Cell phone use combines all three distracted driving components, cognitive, visual and manual, which is why it is so dangerous. Texting while driving increases your crash risk by 23 times higher than driving while not distracted (Olson); yet, more than 37% of drivers admitted to sending and receiving text messages while driving and 18 percent do so regularly. Fatal accidents involving cell phone was 24 percent for drivers between the age of 30-39 and 22 percent for divers under the age of 20. Some real life examples of people who were killed due to cell phone use were: Alex Brown, a 17-year-old from Wellman, TX crashed her truck on November 10th, 2009 because she was texting; Erica Forney, a 9-year-old who was riding her bike near her home when a neighbor looked at her cell phone and never saw Erica in her path. The accident occurred on November 25, 2008 and she died on Thanksgiving Day; and law enforcement officer John T. Gordon, who was riding his motorcycle when a young man swerved into oncoming traffic, striking john and killing him instantly from a broken neck…
The use of cell phones has spread like a wildfire over the past 10 years. It has become an everyday necessity, and many people depend on them to carry out daily operations. Unfortunately, many of these daily operations occur while the individual is driving. Failed attempts to make operating a cell phone behind the wheel hands-free has just created more distractions. As a result, many accidents have taken place in the last ten years due to the use of cellular phones while on the road.…
The use of cell phones while driving has become a major problem nationwide. Drivers who use their cell phones while driving are prone to causing accidents and being involved in one than without using a cell phone. It has been documented and statistically proven numerous times that texting and driving is one of the main causes of road accidents in this nation, therefore, it is important that something is done about the use of cell phones and driving to prevent the number of accidents from continuing to rise in the future.…
As I back out of my garage every day, I am certain that within the first sixty seconds of starting my car and driving away, I am distracted. I look in to review mirror to avoid hitting my car into the sidewalls, bush along the driveway, and mailbox. I also look back at my son to make sure I buckled him in, run through a mental checklist of all the things I need for the day, and then look back at the house wondering if I locked all the doors or left any lights on. I then leave my neighborhood and notice other distracted drivers drinking from their travel mug, eating breakfast in the car, men and women grooming themselves, and the drivers’ texting while cruising along. At that moment, I become frighten and speculate on the consequences of distracted…
Over the past decade, distracted driving has increased dramatically with the technological advances of cell phones and cars. Distracted driving is not just using the phone for texting or calling people anymore, apps and having a passenger to talk too is now considered distracted driving. Other forms of distracted driving is eating, drinking, changing radio stations, and using the GPS. There are three different terms for distracted driving visual, manual, and cognitive. Visual is when the driver takes their eyes off the road. Manual is when the driver takes their hands off the wheel. Lastly, cognitive is when the driver takes their mind off what they are doing. Distracted driving affects millions of people every year. According to National Conference of State Legislature, “Nearly 303 million people in the United States have cell phones. At any given moment during the…
There are a lot of people get killed each year because of the cell phone distraction. There are evidence suggests that the relative risk of being in a traffic accident while using a cellphone is similar to the hazard associated with a blood alcohol level at the legal limit. Car accidents caused by distracted drivers continue to become more prevalent as the number of handheld electronic devices continues to grow. It is clear that advances in electronic technology have resulted in a corresponding increase in driver distraction.…
To conclude, the use of technology is a great threat while driving since the amount of fatalities is…
The issues of texting and driving have been ongoing for years now. Many people are at fault for being distracted drivers. No matter what age you are, seventeen or thirty-five, being distracted behind the wheel is very dangerous. There is no way to make people stop texting and driving, even if it is illegal, because people do whatever they want to do. Even though texting and driving is both deadly and illegal, people still choose to be distracted by a handheld device, the radio, or something outside of their vehicle. These various distractions can cause severe injuries or death.…
The popularity of smart phones has had some unplanned and sometimes deadly consequences. A frightening number of traffic accidents are connected to driving while distracted, including use of smart phones while driving.…