of their cellular phone. The law should make it illegal for people to drive and use their handheld phone in every state. There is a simple solution to this problem that all drivers should follow: don't drive and use a handheld phone. This paper will discuss main reasons why a law that says it is illegal to use a handheld phone and drive should be followed.
Accidents happen everyday on the road. Some are from bad weather conditions, others are because the driver is under the influence of alcohol, and many are caused by distracted drivers on their cellular phone. If people were more aware of how many people are injured or killed by someone who was using their phone while driving , then they wouldn't use their own phone while driving. If making a law that says it is illegal to use a handheld phone and drive will make people stop becoming distracted while driving, then it should be put into effect. A solution for a driver who wants to use their phone while driving would be to use the hands free option on their phone, or to purchase a tool to hold the phone while driving. On social media you see videos of people in cars driving while jamming out to music, recording themselves, and being reckless. These people are a danger to themselves and to others around them. It only takes one second of looking away from the road to cause an accident. People who are reckless and turn around or let go of the wheel while driving should not be
on the road. Nearby officers need to know that they can stop someone who is obviously being reckless on the road while using their phone. If these people can be stopped then maybe less accidents would occur. Some may say that a law such as this is a dumb law, or it is unnecessary. It is these people, who protest against a law that states it's illegal to use a handheld phone and drive, who are the ones who do it the most. This law is an inconvenience to them. When people leave their houses and drive to their destination they don't expect to either cause an accident or get into an accident. This law is most certainly necessary to keep the public safe from themselves and other people. In conclusion, distracted drivers who use their handheld cell phones are a danger to themselves and to others. These types of accidents that are caused by people who are distracted on the road are the easiest to prevent. Simple solutions all drivers can do is: simply resist using your cellular phone while driving, buy a device to hold the cellular phone, or use a hands free option on their phone. There will always be people who decide to put others at risk by becoming distracted on the road, but this law will tell all drivers that there can be serious consequences for doing so.