By Eva Balbas Imingan
I. Introduction
Although distributed leadership provides a theoretically-grounded framework to examine leadership practice, the concept is relatively new, lacks a widely-accepted definition, and has a limited empirical research base (Bennett, Harvey, Wise & Woods, 2003; Harris, 2004; Spillane, 2006; Timperley, 2005 as cited by Wright, 2008). In his articulation of the Distributed Leadership (2006), Spillane aims to make the “black box” of leadership practice more transparent – illuminating how and why leadership is naturally undertaken by multiple leaders in diverse …show more content…
With the growing number of studies pertaining to this domain, there is much more that needs to be known about the various forms that distributed leadership can accomplished, especially the practice and challenges of spontaneous and ad hoc forms of distributed leadership which characterise the idea of fluid leadership highlighted above and the dynamics of team-working and building partnerships (Bennet, …show more content…
Merits and Limitations of Distributed Leadership: Experiences and Understandings of School Principals University of Alberta Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Issue #69, February 7, 2008. © by CJEAP and the author(s).
III. Potential Research Problem and Research Outcome
This study aims to come up with a model or framework that defines distributed leadership in schools leading towards maximizing the performance in of all stakeholders both internal and external, in building partnerships for school improvement and teacher leadership development.
Specifically, in line with this lens, the study aims to answer the following problems:
1. In what ways does distributed leadership manifests itself in building partnerships for school improvement and teacher leadership development?
2. How does this leadership approach influence all stakeholders to maximize their growth and performance for school improvement?
3. What are the prerequisites and dynamics of effective leaderships distributed?
4. How do principals be able to implement a program based on this leadership approach? And
5. Does the program have some form of integrating structure, such as a cross-section of steering committees, to facilitate and coordinate decision-making and implementation?
IV. Proposed