Robert Marler
September 1, 2014
Kelvin Upson
Failures that May Occur in a Distributed Systems A distribution systems is a collection of processors that have a common goal for their system. Some examples would be SOA-based systems, massively multiplayer online games and peer-to-peer applications. The distributed system is software systems in which components located on network computers. This systems communicate and coordinate through passing messages. This systems interact with each other to accomplish a common goal. This processor will contain their own local memory.
Undeliverable Messages Failures This is where a message is undeliverable due to either the recipient is down when a message arrives or the sender and recipient are in different components of a network partition
Communication Failures Will stop processes at other sites to stop communicating
Site Failures When a site experiences a …show more content…
Site and communications failures manifest themselves as the inability of one site to exchange message with another site. When you have a failure one the first steps is to have a handshake procedure. Handshake is where two sites communicate between each other to set parameters so normal communications over the channels can begin. After the failure has been isolated than we would start to fix the failure. When the systems has a failure than it must initiate the procedure which will allow the system to reconfigure. This will allow its primary function to fail and reset to a simpler function, mitigating any unacceptable failure consequence. It will control the system without forcing sacrifice desired, but uninsurable, capabilities. After the system reconfigured it will go through the recovery phase and be integrated back in to the