In the movie of divergent, the story takes place in a dystopian postapocalyptic, futuristic version of Chicago where people are divided into distinct factions based on human virtues. With the creation of a new utopian society, the city broke off ties from the outside after war. They erected a fence around its borders, keeping in all the inhabitants. The thrilling movie based on bravery and courage had been directed by Neil
Burger, he released the movie March 21, 2014. Protagonist
The sixteenyearold protagonist of the movie Divergent. Beatrice
Prior, was born and raised in Abnegation based on the teachings of selflessness, to always give back to the community, they were dedicated to helping the earth. Growing up she had always considered herself different, and taking the aptitude test was her key to which fraction she is, but that key was lost and never to be found, when she found out about her true label. For the first time, Tris was cited by the label that will follow her for the rest of her life: Divergent. The Divergent display for the
aptitude test involves multiple factions in Tris's case, Abnegation,
Erudite, and Dauntless. At the choosing ceremony(a ceremony to determine the fraction you will be dedicated to), Tris was faced with one of the many hard choices that she will have to make : which faction should she choose? To which virtue will she dedicate the rest of her life? She later on discovered the true identity of Divergent and what it means to be
Peter is the central antagonist in Divergent. He was born in Candor
but choose Dauntless as his faction soon becoming Tris’s mortal enemy.
He is described as having angelic face, dark green color eyes with dark hair. His nose is long with a narrow bridge. In Divergent, he first appears in the train with Christina and Tris and mocks Tris