One of the objectives that the team discussed was diversity in the workplace. Major corporations have encountered issues concerning diversity in the work place. Our team can directly relate to this subject in the workplace since all of us are diverse minorities in our individual work place. It was discussed in the group that diversity in the workplace is the manager’s responsibility to insure that the workplace is a diverse environment. Managers in most companies are required to hire a diverse staff. Managers have the ability to use race, religion, and tenure as qualities to inspire success and productivity at work. Our team agreed that in the real world not all individuals will set aside their differences to work effectively together, but the process of how management deals with issues concerning diversity is crucial to building and maintaining an efficient workforce.…
We believe in embracing and seeing the value in all cultures within our workforce so that they can reach their highest potential.…
Every day the global workforce is growing and for many years there has been big issues within the workplace. One of those big issues being diversity. Every employee has something very unique to bring to the company. The ideal company will have the best team players with great work ethic. In most cases a successful company holds employees that have different views which come in handy for big business decisions. In a growing global workforce, some of these differences cause barriers which can affect the company.…
Rajan, A., & Harris, S. (2003, September 2). The Business Impact of Diversity. Personnel Today. p18.…
Diversity has many faces that range from gender, culture, ethnicity, race, economic status, physical abilities, and many more, and this can be a problem that can affect many people who are employed or looking for employment in society because they are being judged or discriminated against for their differences. But if business took the time to understand the importance of differences in people so many doors could open for the employers and employees. Allowing diversity in the workplace could increase work morale, attendance, customers, and efficiency and create a less stressful environment for employees. This is possible by first increasing the diversity in the workplace and allowing for employees to learn about each other’s differences and…
It is important for managers to be educated on diversity, and have an understanding of the differences in their workforce’s population, because it will improve performance potential and increase employee satisfaction. There are numerous benefits to valuing diversity. With each unique combination of gender, ethnic background, culture, and life experiences, each person brings a different set of strengths, skill sets, and approaches to problems. According to Bell, (2007) , “Valuing diversity can benefit organizations in the areas of cost, resource acquisition, marketing, creativity, problem solving, and system flexibility”. An employee’s satisfaction is much higher when they feel accepted and valued for their unique qualities.…
As a manager in today’s workplace, managing diversity is as important as meeting deadlines and completing initiatives. “Diversity refers to difference in people, including their age gender, race, religion, cultural background, education, mental and physical disabilities, sexual orientation and other dimensions,” (Hitt, Black, & Porter, 2012, p. 187). In many cases, effectively managing diversity will directly attribute to a business’ success or failure. To manage diversity effectively, managers must get acquainted with today’s changing workforce demographic. In this paper, diversity will be explored with highlights on gender, age, religion, and occupation.…
Regardless of sexual orientation, gender, race, or age, all organizations need to hire, retain, and develop a diverse workforce that provides a deeper pool of talent and unique perspectives that help the organization identity and meet the needs of a diverse customer base (McGraw-Hill 2012, p.46). Organizations are now recognizing the need and importance of investing in diversity as part of their overall mission. Diversity is crucial in this day 's global marketplace as companies interact with different ethnic cultures and clients. The results of having a diverse workplace are increased creativity, increased productivity improved moral, new language skills, global understanding, new processes, new solutions to difficult problems and improved employee recruitment and retention.…
This report presents the results of a comprehensive review of the positive impacts that diversity training can have on an organization as a whole as well as the individual employee. As the United States minority populations percentages increase the number of ethnic minorities will mirror the increase in minorities in the workforce. Due to this ethic shift in the US population, diversity training will remain as a pressing topic. Senior level executives must embrace this change and continue to create a positive environment that is conducive to all employees regardless of their fundamental cultural differences. Moreover, businesses must learn to embrace and manage diversity if they want to continue to be successful. More often now in today’s ever-growing corporations then in the past, employees from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds are forced to work together to achieve their company’s goals. When diversity training is masterfully executed, it will help to create a positive diverse workforce that can open up opportunities for growth in a business and create a more constructive environment. If diversity training is successfully executed it has the potential to enhance employees ' fundamental understanding of cultural sensitivity and other pertinent differences. Diversity training and building relationships are key elements to advancing organization. Managing employees from diverse backgrounds can create a unique challenge if employees lack mutual respect based solely on unfounded generalizations of gender, religion, disabilities and ethnic background. The success or failure of a corporation can rely heavily on the ability to successful blend a diverse organization. Diversity programs address the need for organizations to be more vigilant of their employees needs; however, with change comes resistance. Some…
It has been stated that a diverse workplace is a crucial piece to building a strong and inclusive economy that is built to stand the test of time (. This could very well be the foundation to the current workplace diversity movement, but the statistics show otherwise, especially for African Americans. Whites make up about 64% of this nation’s workforce, while the remaining 36% are of people of color including the modest 12% that Blacks/African Americans occupy. This statistics shrinks significantly when…
the aim is to provide training to look more at what can be done and what should…
The workplace changed while we weren't looking. No longer is it dominated by white middle class men. With changes, increased minorities numbers and the movement of women in the workplace, companies need to address issues of diversity in the workplace. The field of diversity has gone beyond even culture and gender but also recognizes that different styles and approaches can be useful to have in any workplace. "In an ideal world, every person is treated equally when it comes to getting a job, advancing in their career, and being treated fairly in the workplace. In reality, we know this is not the case. Racial discrimination does still exist in hiring, firing, and promotions" (Ethnic Majority).…
Most people would agree that cultural diversity in the workplace utilizes our country's skills to its fullest, and contributes to our overall growth and prosperity. The reality of the situation is that it hasn't happened and progress remains slow. One of the reasons for this has been the lack of diversity in corporate America. By not developing a diverse workforce from the top down, African, Hispanic, and Asian Americans are unfairly demoted to lower-skilled, lower-pay positions and are not able to fulfill their true potential. Many corporations have recognized that diversity contributes to the workplace by making it easier to retain good employees, lowering costs by developing skills in-house, and developing a reputation that helps attract…
Successful professionals are learning to demonstrate the contribution of diversity programs to the business on macro and micro levels. We have to remember that having a diversified workforce is not something a company should have, actually it is some thing that has happened or is soon going to happen due to the fact that we have a more diversified population. Diversity in the workplace is becoming more and more prevalent. Corporations in all industries are encouraging minorities, women, elderly workers, people with disabilities as well as foreign workers to join the dominant workforce in the workplace. Diversity of the workforce is clearly here to stay. Business owners and managers, experts say, will still need to maintain or step up efforts to recruit and advance ethnic minorities each year. Essentially, because having a diverse work force a gives the company a lot more advantages to their…
Diversity has become a common characteristic of workplaces due to changes in demographics and psychodynamics.…