Name: Ayan Dahir Date: 06/12/12
Ending sessions is a discussion I unfortunately didn’t get to participate in but from the experiences I’ve had in other discussions I understand that a variety of emotional, cognitive and even physiological responses can occur during the helping interaction so its crucial to be sensitive and end the session in a way that assists the helpee to better contain their emotions and feel equipped to handle their issue outside of the safety bubble of the helping environment.
When I think of endings, loss comes to mind but also new beginnings. Due to the in depth nature of the topics disclosed, helpees cam be left feeling emotionally raw, exposed and vulnerable that’s why it is important to be sensitive to the discomfort and ill ease that comes with the endings of the helping relationship/ or the session.
Too often we associate negative emotions with the endings of relationships be it romantic, personal, or professional. But as helpers we must remember that our role is to enable development, assist helpees explore and learn different coping methods and discover with them ways of achieving their objectives not to have a dependant relationship. Thus we should feel proud of any progress we make in each and every session. a summary that includes accurate paraphrasing, reflecting meaning and feeling, active listening and a sense of acceptance is key inn keeping with Carl Rogers’ core conditions of UPR, genuineness and empathic understanding in order to gain closer understanding of another.
A summary also gives the opportunity for clarification, to be sure to ensure the helpee leaving the helping environment is in control of their faculties and don’t pose a risk to themselves or others it also gives the helper a chance to do a reality check with their helpee to find out from their view if