The United Sates has always been a beacon for freedom and liberty to those across the globe looking to escape tyranny and oppression, or gain an opportunity to advance their personal interests that they would not otherwise have in the country of origin. National crisis like famine, war, poverty, unemployment and oppression have traditionally spurred people to emigrate from their home countries to find a better way of life within the United Sates welcoming borders.
Modern threats such as terrorism and organized crime have impacted the way we need to approach immigration to this country. Al Quaeda and other international threats to American safety …show more content…
There are, of course, particular groups and or people that can be anecdotally pointed as to the contrary, but the overwhelming majority of citizens in the United States are a people looking forward to having variety in our ranks.
As with many a social ill, money tends to corrupt even the noblest of cause. Advertising in America is traditionally driven by television. Over 98 percent of all U.S. households have at least one television. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012) As such, television advertisement is the single most reaching medium to interest people in a company’s particular product line. However, when looking at the representation and role of actors in these advertisements, a troubling trend can be found. According to Coltrane and Messineo, “television portrayals of all nonwhites, but especially African Americans, have been characterized by trivialization and exaggeration. Some commentators suggest that Black male characters are disproportionately shown as buffoons, as menacing and unruly youths, or as hyper masculine thugs, and that Black female characters are typically shown as exotic and sexually available”. (Coltrane & Messsineo, …show more content…
Public Service Announcements during young adult and children’s programming on television is now common, combined with in school curriculum that is constantly reworked to reflect the nature of our countries diversity and foster an appreciation for such diversity.
As a High School Law Enforcement Instructor, I strive daily to teach my students to respect the rule of law and enforce the Constitution of the United States. Equal protection for all is tantamount to establishing and maintaining the civil society. I work on a daily basis to imbue my students with a respect for all people regardless of ethnicity, sex, disability or belief. They are instructed everyday that justice is indeed blind and that they are studying to become the purveyors of such