Ronald Reagan was so hostile towards racial equality that one of his standpoints for campaigning was appealing to white backlash, which was white workers who were resentful towards POC gaining equality in the workplace and
society. ( The Ronald Revolution Crash Course 2:08) Ronald Reagan ignored minorities such as the LGBT community, women as a whole and the POC community. His alignment with the Catholic Church enabled him to take action against segregation and further rights that had been withheld from minorities. Following Democratic president Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan promised to bring conservative viewpoints to the government, which was a welcome change as many viewed Carter’s political party alignment as the scapegoat for the issues of America. Reagan promised to improve the economy through economic conservatism, and he sought to end communism to further improve foreign affairs. He promised to bring change even though hate and discrimination pervaded the society he reigned over. Although the vast majority agrees that Ronald Reagan was a great man who brought great change to America and the economy, one could argue that he was an apathetic president and hostile towards Civil Rights Movements.