
Diversity In Education

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Diversity In Education
CSBA Congress 2013

In the boardroom In the classroom In public education

In the boardroom In the classroom


CSBA Congress 2013
Diversity Matters

CSBA Congress 2013

Diversity Matters

In the boardroom In the classroom In public education

Thursday, July 4, 2013 – Saturday, July 6, 2013
Fairmont Hotel Vancouver

Thursday, July 4, 2013
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

BCSTA and CSBA Board Meetings
Pre-Conference Workshop
Diversity DNA
Eric Wong

4:30 PM

Full registration and exhibit area opens

7:00 PM

Official opening and keynote presentation
Diversity Enriches Public Education and Canadian Society
The Right Honorable
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Paul R. Howard

Hosted by: BC School Trustees Association • 1580 W. Broadway, 4th Fl., Vancouver, BC V6J 5K9 • (604) 7342721


CSBA Congress 2013

Diversity Matters

In the boardroom In the classroom In public education

10:30 AM
Honouring the Diverse Human Journey: Sexual
Orientation & Gender Identity
Trustee Sandy Nemeth, Trustee Gary Gervais, Neill Johnson,
Assistant Superintendent Denis Granger (Director of
Student Services)

Concurrent Sessions A (...continued)
Honouring the Diverse Human Journey: Sexual
Orientation & Gender Identity
Trustee Sandy Nemeth, Trustee Gary Gervais, Neill Johnson,
Assistant Superintendent Denis Granger (Director of
Student Services)

The Capacity Building Continuum to Support Students with Mental Health in Schools
Dr. Jennifer Leclerc (Superintendent of Teaching and
Learning/Special Education Services), Dr. Deanna Swift
(Chief Psychologist Special Education Services)MacLeod

The Capacity Building Continuum to Support Students with Mental Health in Schools
Dr. Jennifer Leclerc (Superintendent of Teaching and
Learning/Special Education Services), Dr. Deanna
…show more content…
Broadway, 4th Fl., Vancouver, BC V6J 5K9 • (604) 7342721

Program Features

CSBA Congress 2013

Diversity Matters

In the boardroom In the classroom In public education

Optional Pre-Conference Workshop (limited enrolment, extra charge)
Diversity DNA
Eric Wong, Vancouver educator and multi-cultural consultant
July 4, 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
This preconference workshop framed on the Medicine Wheel of Learning will explore the ways in which our Diversity DNA impacts our Diversity Quotient (DQ) which measures our understanding of diversity and our comfort level with difference. The afternoon workshop will include a variety of games, activities, case studies, audio-visual clips and oral stories, that are designed to engage, energize, entertain and educate.

Opening Plenary Presentation: Diversity Enriches Public Education and
Canadian Society
Rt. Honorable Michaelle Jean
July 4, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Throughout her career, she has captured the hearts and minds of Canadians and people around the world with her compassion, her grace, and her representation of our vast and diverse land. The Rt. Hon. Michaëlle Jean was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

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