At first, I thought that writing an essay about how I value the spirit of diversity in my life was going to be an impossible challenge. But after thinking about it for a while, I realized I have experienced all kinds of diversity in my life. From the number of different sports that I have had the opportunity to participate in, to the differences in my friends that I hang with daily, to my own family structure relative to other people I know. Looking back at my life, the number of sports teams that I have played on seems unreal now. Starting at three and four years old with karate, soccer, and swimming and then baseball, basketball, and football through the recreation department and in junior high. In high school, my …show more content…
Although several of my friends have two parents at home, many of my friends come from single parent homes where they live with their mother and see their fathers on every other weekend. Keeping track of their schedules to make plans for our group activities can be difficult. I can only imagine how difficult that must be to deal in their own lives. My own family is a little different too. Even though I have both of my parents, my father had a previous marriage so I also have a half-brother and I had a half-sister too. When I was five, my older sister adored me and I idolized her. She was twenty, beautiful, and kind. Kind enough to take her little brother shopping for clothes and toys. She adored me and of course I idolized her. When she died, I didn’t understand or accept it. But my family and I have learned the best way to deal with her loss is to focus on all the great times we had together and share our memories of her with others that we meet.
From this difficult challenge in my life and many other experiences I’ve had in my life, I am learning that working together with all people is the only way to bring forth success. We all have to embrace the cultural differences of people we live and work with daily. We should always respect and accept the differences we find in each other, be inclusive, and learn from each