The research is focused on the most important and beneficial issues and on all possible negative effects that may dramatically increase or decrease the productivity of the organization and have various effects on the workers. The research shows that diverse workforce is a great driving force for the company in order to achieve the success within the multicultural market.
Moreover many worldwide known companies such as Microsoft, Four Season Hotels and Starbucks are among those companies that encourage hiring people with various multicultural backgrounds. …show more content…
This report suggests you to foster the diversity in the workplace in order to stay competitive with other companies. With the use of appropriate techniques and employment of people with different cultural backgrounds and experiences , your business has the potential to penetrate the global market.
The analysis of this report was made on the basis of several helpful resources such as articles posted in the Wall Street Journal, the web-site called Small Business resources for the Entrepreneurs and on the basis United Stated Equal Opportunity Commission .
Thank you for allowing me to do this research for you. I appreciate this opportunity a lot. In case if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me
Table of Contents
Introduction 5
Definition of the Diversity 5
Guiding Principles 6
Advantages 6
1. Consumer Solution. 7
2. Making the workforce more qualified 7
3. Language and Culture 7
4. Broader Coverage 7
Possible Negative Effects 7
1. Risk of the Discrimination 8
2. Communication Problems 8
3. Development of Cliques (Detachment) 8
Management of the Diverse Workforce 8
1. Recruit Diversity 9
2. Help and Support 9
3. Diversity training programs 9
4. Open-door policy 9
5. Benefits 9
6. Conflict Resolution Plan 10
Conclusion 10
References: 11
In the world of economic globalization the role of diversification becomes more and more important and powerful. The more interaction is required among people from different cultures and backgrounds and it has to be understood and accepted by all the people who are involved in business. That is why most businesses and companies try to achieve the diversity in the workplace in order to stay the competition, to respond to needs of the multicultural markets and to obtain the better ability to adapt to marketplace changes.
Thus the aim of this report is to describe techniques to effectively manage multicultural workforce. It provides a definition for “diversity”, covers the benefits of diversity in the workplace, the challenges and possible negative effects of managing a diverse workplace, and finally describes several effective strategies for managing diverse workforces.
Definition of the Diversity
According to the Human Resources and Equal Opportunity Office the definition of the Diversity is the following : "Diversity refers to human qualities that are different from our own and those of groups to which we belong; but that are manifested in other individuals and groups.
Dimensions of diversity include but are not limited to: age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities / qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, income, marital status, military experience, parental status, religious beliefs, work experience, and job classification." ( Foothill-De Anza Community College District (2004, March 3) Diversity in the Workplace)
Diversity issues are considered very important nowadays as diversity becomes the business reality. The impetus behind workplace diversity is that of inclusion and the business case: embracing and leveraging differences for the benefit of the organization. The collaboration of cultures, ideas and different perspectives is now considered an organizational asset-bringing forth greater creativity and innovation-with the result that many companies are increasingly focusing on corporate diversity initiatives to improve organizational performance. (Jayne, M. E. A., & Dipboye, R. L. (2004, …show more content…
The successful managing of the workplace diversity can be one of the most important factors in helping company to realize the full potential of its employees and achieve all the business goals. That is why it is quite important to understand how multicultural workplace affects motivation of the employees and success of the organization.
Guiding Principles
• Managing diversity within organization so that all the possible negative effects are minimized and potential advantages are maximized
• Multicultural workforce provides huge advantage as creativity and ability to better adapt to the customers’ needs are key points to stay competitive
• Employees within multicultural workplace produce better solutions and increase the productivity of the company
Diversity is beneficial for both employers and employees as it provides companies with plenty of advantages. Four main benefits are named below .
1. Consumer Solution.
A multicultural workplace creates wider and deeper pool of different ideas that could be brought together in order to find the better solutions to satisfy the customers’ needs. All in all it provides the better reputation to the company
2. Making the workforce more qualified
In order to hire the best employees , the companies should choose among the candidates with a multicultural background. It increases the chances of the company to succeed in the market
3. Language and Culture
Employees with diverse background have better ability to interact with consumers from different cultures. Moreover , there is a possibility that some consumers cannot speak primary language of the company ,thus , the ability of some of the employees to speak other languages is very useful.
4. Broader Coverage
Workers who are referred to different cultures may provide broader coverage in a multicultural marketplace. Some of the employees may be familiar with the traditions or customs of the areas where the owner of the business may like to open a new company. Thus it will be much easier to overcome language or cultural barriers and to make friendly and customer-oriented company.
Possible Negative Effects
However there are still some language, cultural, age, gender and social status barriers that should be overcome in order not to harm the organization because some people may find diversity undesirable.
1. Risk of the Discrimination
The risk of discrimination is enhanced especially in case where the multicultural workforce takes its place. It is quite evident that some employees may have some prejudices against their co-workers with different religion or race.
2. Communication Problems
Those employees, who do not speak fluently the language, which is primary in their workplace, may have some difficulties in communication not only with their clients or customers but even with their co-workers. It could be difficult for such employees to understand and to respond on requests or to express their own thoughts for everyone to understand them. Thus , it may cause the loss of consumers and deterioration of relations between co-workers.
3. Development of Cliques (Detachment)
One more problem that may appear is that some employees prefer to speak only their native language instead the official workplace language among each other ,thus , the ones who do not understand it, would feel themselves excluded from the conversation. Subsequently such informal division may worsen the workers relationship.
Management of the Diverse
Workforce Managing diversity is a comprehensive process for developing an environment that works for all employees. Diversity management is an inclusive process and should not be viewed as an us/them kind of problem to be solved. Rather, it should be viewed and presented as a valuable resource to be fostered and used. (Multicultural Work Force, . Successful managing of the diversity may give the company huge range of new ideas and help it to avoid conflicts in the workplace.
1. Recruit Diversity
Attract people with diverse cultural background who are willing to work with multicultural stuff. Try to avoid the candidates who do not fit these criteria without decimation. Ask questions that are related to diversification, make sure that candidates really want to become a member of the multicultural workforce.
2. Help and Support
Support your employees to value and respect the multicultural workplace. Do not give any space for discrimination. All the employees should be informed in writing form that discrimination is forbidden.
3. Diversity training programs
Invest money in your employees to go through diversity training programs. It is quite important because even though some of the workers may want to be the part of the diverse workforce , they simply may not know how to do that. That is why they need to be taught how to communicate and accept people of other cultures.
4. Open-door policy
Your company needs the supervisors always to be ready to answer all the questions and give comments on the issues related to the diversity. It may help your company to avoid conflicts.
5. Benefits
Offer benefits such as onsite daycare, childcare subsidies and flexible schedules, and let new hires know that you are willing to accommodate cultural and religious holidays and diversity-friendly (but office appropriate) apparel choices (Wall Street Journal: How to Increase Workplace Diversity)
6. Conflict Resolution Plan
Create a plan for resolution of the conflicts that may arise among the employees in the workplace on the basis of diversity. Include several steps that could help you to solve the problem. Try to find a compromise which would be a good decision for the both sides and make the notes about the reasons of the conflict and the solution by which it was solved to avoid it in the future and to make your conflict resolution plan better. Learn on your mistakes.
All in all, the multicultural workforce provides company with broader pool of ideas and solutions, it helps business to broaden its reach in the global market and finally it gives people of different cultural and racial backgrounds a chance to do their best and to work together that increases the productivity of the company and of the global economy as a whole. This report recommends to train your employees and to make the policy of the company to be opened to accept the diversification that will maximize the benefits and income in the future.
• Foothill-De Anza Community College District (2004, March 3) Diversity in the Workplace.
Retrieved May 29,2013 from
• .Jayne, M. E. A., & Dipboye, R. L. (2004). Leveraging diversity to improve business performance: Research findings and recommendations for organizations. Human Resource Management
• Small Business resources for the Entrepreneurs, n/a, (n/d) Multicultural Work Force,
Retrieved May 27, 2013 from
• The Wall Street Journal , n/a( n/d), How to increase workplace diversity. Retrieved May 29, 2013 from