Diversity can be differences in race, heritage, gender, beliefs, physical appearance, mental capabilities, etc. Diversity should be respected and valued because nobody is completely the same as anyone else, even within the categories above. People tend to reject what is different. Our differences/diversities can lead to growth as a society or it can lead to violence and hatred. We must value our diversity in order to work together without causing problems for each other.…
Diversity is the cultural, moral and lifestyle differences in our population around the world. Diversity is valuable because we would live in a very bland world without it. Customs and tradititions we share are what makes us al different. Learning about eachothers cultures is helpful as well, as everyone can benefit from learning something different and possibly find something relatable to our own cultures and backgrounds.…
1.1: diversity is the difference between people; it includes such things as religion, culture, background and even personality. the reason diversity should be valued is because having a diverse world makes things interesting for everyone, if everyone was equally the same we wouldn’t have most of the stuff we have in the world right now, like different cultured food clothed all different types of religious events and so on.…
Diversity is; variety, multformaty, difference , or unlikeness and change, I believe that diversity is valued because, too much of one thing can be in fact too much. A person devoid of diversity would never feel challenged, nor would they ever see much less understand the world and all of it’s complexities, simply because they never would have known better, having been stripped from receiving any new information.…
Diversity can be defined as differences in heritage, race, beliefs, customs, mental capabilities, physical appearances etc. It must be appreciated because no one is totally the same as anyone else, even within the groups. If diversity is not valued then it can lead to strength and hatred. We must value our diversity in order to work together for any common good. We something tries to reject what are different.…
Diversity is an important part of American culture. Cultural diversity has helped to shape the way we live everyday as well as the different foods we eat. What really thought me about diversity is that it is not limited just too racial or ethnic groups but other minority groups. The new information I have learned about diversity still has not changed my views. I think it is important to learn about others cultures and backgrounds. Without knowledge about other cultural groups we would only have stereotypes to go off of. Stereotypes without proper knowledge can lead to discrimination or prejudices.…
Diversity should be respected and valued, because nobody is completely the same as anyone else. It is everywhere in our lives which makes rich and varied. In our lives diversity can be defined as differences in heritage, race, beliefs, customs, mental capabilities, physical appearances etc. It should be valued because no one is completely the same as anyone else, even within the above categories. If diversity is not valued then it can lead to violence and hatred.…
Diversity is made up of a mixture of things. Race, religion and culture are just a few characteristics that make up diversity. Although everyone is different, our ethnic backgrounds and other characteristics are what we are categorized by. When I think of diversity, I think of a campus or a workplace where there are a variety of people with different cultural backgrounds attending school or working. I think diversity is valued because it helps people come together no matter what a persons culture, race, religion or gender is.…
Developing strong diversity at Qualcomm Inc. is beneficial for the company as well as the people. Diversity is being composed with different elements, and people with different backgrounds and cultures (Merriam-Webster, 2012). Having members from different backgrounds make the company special in many ways and create success. When hiring employees, Qualcomm values and respects the diversity and ensures all people are considered for employment. They are committed to provide the necessary tools that are needed for employees to become efficient at their job. Planning, Leading Organizing and Controlling Qualcomm Inc. can run smoother and reach goals within the company, and allow it to handle the strategic, tactical and operational decisions for the organization.…
Recruitment, selection and diversity are terms that we in today’s society normally do not go together in the same sentence, let alone in sports organizations. Although recent gains in intercollegiate athletics have been made with regards to diversity, college and conference administration still have to make strides to give minority more chances in attaining upper-level management positions in intercollegiate athletics.…
One blind spot I think I had at the start of the semester was the idea about disability. When you mention disability, I can honestly say that I always thought of the physical forms of disability. So when it came to helping accommodate for disabilities I would naturally think of things like wheelchair ramps or special seating in the offices. I never considered the fact that “invisible” disabilities were present in the workplace. Now when you say disability I think of not only the physical but also the mental and learning disabilities that can affect people within the workplace.…
In this paper I will be discussing whether diversity is or not being considered in a reading titled “Bloomberg Businessweek Apologizes for 'Racist' Cover”. The cover of “Bloomberg BusinessWeek” is causing quite the stir, it is stated that the cover they have released on one of their latest magazine came off racist to some. Throughout this paper I will be sharing whether or not I feel that there a problem with what was displayed in the reading or is someone just overreacting. I will also be discussing if I think things should or should not be done differently.…
To me diversity is people of different backgrounds and ideas coming together in a respectful relationship. Diversity has truly shaped my life. I am a child of an interracial relationship. My mother is African-American and my father is Caucasian. Growing up I experienced diversity through the different cultures in my own life. I could tell there were distinct differences between my “white family” and my “black family” I would compare one to the other. Many times I didn’t value that diversity because I wanted to be like everyone else. In the area I live in, at the time of my youth diversity wasn’t celebrated. Most people were not racist, but diversity did not seem to be encouraged. Conformity was the accepted normal. I noticed my “white family”…
The way, in which I define myself, is through my hobbies, friends, personality, and attributes. I chose to disclose my past because before I used to be a bad student that would always get into trouble. The main reason why I came to a school so far away from home was so that I could start over and mature before I return home. Based on your personality it determines what type of kid you are, and it also helps to determine what type of people your friends are.…
My hometown is Wichita Kansas, in which I was surrounded by numerous cultures and ethnicities. Wichita is the biggest city in Kansas, located in the south-central part of the state on the Arkansas River and approximately 140 miles south of the capital city of Topeka. It is also conveniently located just 197 miles from Kansas City and 161 miles from Oklahoma City, both with over 1 million people in population.…