Profit Equation
Corporate White Paper
Written By: Craig B. Clayton, Sr.
Published By
The Diversity Profit
Rutgers University
- Paper Attached
Journal – “The
Diversity Factor”
Equation dPE
This document explains the process of calculating the impact of Diversity and Inclusion efforts on the organizations top line, bottom line and pipeline. It was written by Craig B.
Clayton, Sr. one of the worlds leading experts on D&I and ROI. He holds a process patent on the Diversity Management Process and has written and published articles linking D&I efforts and programs to performance, productivity and profitability. He has developed the
“Business Validation Assessment” tool which calculates a Leadership Effectiveness Index as well as an Organizational Inclusion Index which are both linked to driving the ROI for D&I programs, policies and practices.
Since 1999 he has been the Director & Diversity Strategist with the University of Houston’s
International Institute for Diversity & Cross Cultural Management – located in the C.T. Bauer
College of Business.
The Diversity Factor © 2010
ISSN 1545-2808
Fall 2010 (3rd Qtr, 2010)
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Measuring Diversity Return on Investment (ROI)
Volume 18, Number 3
A new way to build the business case for diversity based on the numbers:
The Diversity Profit Equation (d/PE™)
Craig B. Clayton, Sr., founder and CEO of The Spartacus Group and director and diversity strategist with the University of Houston 's International Institute for Diversity and Cross-Cultural Management, located in the C. T. Bauer College of Business.
Craig B. Clayton is an organization development consultant and director and diversity strategist with the University of
Houston 's International
Institute for Diversity and Cross-Cultural
Management. He is also the CEO & founder of
The Spartacus Group.