Diversity Worksheet
Answer each question in 50 to 150 words. Provide citations for all the sources you use.
1. What is diversity? Why is diversity valued?
I think a great way to describe Diversity would be the “melting pot theory” (Richard T. Schaefer, 2012, p. 24) America being the pot and the people who live here being the indredients within the pot. We are a huge group of indviduals who all add a little something to the country. Diversity is valuable for the mere fact that it allows everyone to learn something new, try something new, and create something new from those experiences. We as a country are therefore more well-rounded and open-minded.
Richard T. Schaefer. …show more content…
(2012). Exploring Race and Ethnicity. Retrieved from Richard T. Schaefer, ETH125 website.
2. What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society?
Merriam Webster’s online English dictionary defines ethnocentric as being “characterized by or based on the attitude that one 's own group is superior.” So, I would assume Ethnocentrism is the act of holding the attitude that one’s own group is superior.
This can cause problems within society because it pushes people to be bias against other groups. It can lead to arguments, or even extermination, as seen during World War II.
Merriam-Webster Incorporated. (2013). Merriam-Webster. Retrieved from http://www.merriam- webster.com/dictionary/immigration?show=0&t=1377734774
3. Define emigration and immigration.
As defined in the Merriam Webster’s online dictionary, Emigration is “leaving one 's place of residence or country to live elsewhere.” Whereas, immigration “is to enter and usually become established; especially : to come into a country of which one is not a native for permanent residence.” Although, the definitions are very similar one is for temporary living and the other is for permanent living.
Merriam-Webster Incorporated. (2013). Merriam-Webster. Retrieved from http://www.merriam- webster.com/dictionary/immigration?show=0&t=1377734774
Richard T. Schaefer. (2012). Exploring Race and Ethnicity. Retrieved from Richard T. Schaefer, ETH125 website.
4. What are some of the ways groups of people are …show more content…
Some of the ways people are identified are by race, age, gender, ethnicity, interests, marital status, or religion. Sometime people can identify others by their income or how much money they make and spend, I find that to be one of the most popular ones. We identify celebrities by their wealth and the things they own, like cars and houses.
Richard T.
Schaefer. (2012). Exploring Race and Ethnicity. Retrieved from Richard T. Schaefer, ETH125 website.
5. Why do people label and group other people?
I believe people label and group others subconsciously at times and do so to set them apart from ourselves. Sometimes doctors do so to identify health risks that are common within certain races. We sometimes place people into groups to differentiate between interests, like in highschool. i.e. Jocks, Drama, Cheer leaders, stoners, nerds, etc.
6. Define culture. Is culture limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds? Explain.
My personal definition of cultural is just a ‘way of living.’ It is most definitely not limited to certain ethnic backgrounds. One can adapt to different cultures after being raised in a particular one. For instance, a woman from a big city is use to a busy culture of cars, buildings, dining out and public transportation. She decides to move to a small town in Africa where there are no restaurants or fancy buildings and cars. She therefore adapts to a new culture of simplicity and