India is witnessing a sorry state. In this country celebrities run over pedestrians and walk free. Ironically they run NGOs to assist the needy! A parallel can be drawn to politicians, bureaucrats and every member of the society. It is thus not surprising to find people squandering money all round the year but raising moral issues when it comes to bursting crackers. Some benevolent ones choose to abstain from them and do charity instead. What fails to pervade them is that these crackers are manufactured by dirt poor people who look forward to this festival all through the year for their livelihood. Why not do charity by purchasing their products?
Another matter of grave concern is environmental pollution. Despite laws being enforced sound pollution hasn’t been curbed and the state police remain a mute spectator. The air pollution too is on a mammoth scale. But for a state topping the charts on the air pollution barometer, another drop in the ocean shouldn’t matter much.
Diwali is the festival of lights and crackers constitute its focal point. The onus is upon us to celebrate responsibly by staying within the decibel limit. Otherwise we can keep these debates aside for one day and indulge in the ultimate aesthetic and entertaining aspect of this festival – crackers!
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