WACC calculation.
WACC = RD*(1-t)*D/(D+E)+RE* E/(D+E)
Cost of equity
We assume that risk free rate (Rf) equals rate of long-term Treasury Bonds (as the project’s life is 10 years), so Rf = 9.5%.
According to Aswath Damodaran equity risk premium in the US in 1979 was 6.45%, thus
Rm – Rf = 6.45%.
We will estimate beta equity using data of comparable firms, focusing on production only sodium chlorate: Brunswick Chemical and Sothern Chemicals. To calculate beta asset we’ll use information about beta equity and equity-to-value ratio. As well we assume that debt beta equals zero:
To adjust beta in accordance with project we assume that in the long-run Dixon will maintain its target debt-to-capital ratio in proportion of 35%. Thus, we get the following beta asset of the project that accounts for Dixon’s capital structure:
Betaproject = 0.94/(1-0.35) = 1.45
RE = Rf + Bproject*(Rm-Rf) = 9.5% + 1.45*6.45% = 18.85%
Cost of debt
We assume that cost of debt equals 11.25% as Dixon issue bonds at this rate for the purpose of this project financing.
Marginal tax rate = 3,818/(3,818+4,024) = 48,68%
RD*(1-t) = 11.25%*(1-48.68%) = 5.77%
WACC = RD*(1-t)*D/(D+E)+RE* E/(D+E) = 5.77%*0.35 + 18.85%*0.65 = 14.27%.
APV-based evaluation
The rate we’re looking for APV evaluation is return on equity if this project is 100% equity financed. So we use unlevered average beta for evaluation as equity-to value ratio equals 1.
Betaequity = Betaasset = 0.94
RE = Rf + Bequity*(Rm-Rf) = 9.5% + 0.94*6.45% = 15.56%
2) Project the incremental cash flows associated with the acquisition of the Collinsville