A section of DNA is copied multiple times then separated into four groups to be divided again. During the second round of dividing, a small amount of a chemically modified base is added. The four different batches are for the four different bases; a modified T goes in one batch, modified A in another, modified G in another, and modified C in the last. The modified bases cause the DNA sections to stop growing; The growing stops on the modified base that is inserted. The modified T will only have pieces that end with T, and so on. This causes the sections in the different batches to be different lengths. A florescent dye is also added into the batches during the second round of copying. These colors are also associated with the bases; they help the different bases to stand out. Strands that end in T are blue, end in A are red, end in G are yellow, and end in C are green. As the pieces emerge from the gel, the sequencer’s laser identifies the fluorescence of the pieces and links it to the base it is associated with. The laser hits the shortest piece of DNA first, and makes its way to the longest. Since the color is only associated with the last base, it sequencer only takes the last base. This order of the bases is known as the raw sequence, which is not readable. Transforming the raw sequence into a continuous strand is called finishing. …show more content…
Having everyone’s DNA would be beneficial mainly for solving crime. When a crime is committed, DNA is usually left at the scene. If everyone’s DNA was known and in a database, finding the people involved would be more efficient. At the moment, the only people in the database are past criminals so if someone new comes along and commits a crime, it will take longer to solve or maybe remain unsolved. The database can also help identify the victim if they are a missing person or such. These databases could also be shared between countries, making it more difficult for lawbreaker to escape a country and be home free. I believe that the DNA database should strictly be used only for the criminal aspect. If we were to take a complete look at everyone’s DNA, that is where things could go