Rosalind Franklin took X-rays of DNA. Without her consent, Maurice Wilkins took the unpublished X-ray of the DNA and showed it to James Watson and Francis Crick. The picture was called Photo 51. Without this essential piece of information, James Watson and Francis Crick would have never figured out the structure of DNA. Therefore, James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins would not have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962.
When Rosalind Franklin released her work, it was after the trio of guys released their model of the DNA. People didn’t know that her work was used in Watson’s, Crick’s, and Wilkins’ work. They just thought that she was just confirming their research. Many people say that she should’ve gotten credit for her part in finding the structure of DNA. People also said that even if she was still alive, she probably wouldn’t have even gotten credit for the Noble Prize in 1962.
I think that if this was to happen today, it would be a total different story. Even though very few women have won a Nobel Prize, Rosalind Franklin would have been credited with her work. It would also be different because women are “allowed” to do more now than they were back in the 1940’s and 50’s. I also believe that it wouldn’t be morally right for Watson and