Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is a riveting science fiction novel that has been adapted across a multitude of medias and begged the question “is it our empathetic nature that makes us human?” The story follows Rick Deckard our self-centered antagonist turned empathetic protagonists. For the duration …show more content…
The core of the story is set in the future where we see the struggle between the tranquil forest dwelling natives, the Athseans, and their Terran colonists counterparts who exploit the peaceful community for their resources and labor. The story is seen from the eyes of the oppressive Colonel Davidson, the empathetic Ray Lyubov and the god Selver. Le Guin uses her “god”, Selver, to show her readers how extreme circumstances can corrupt even the gentlest of …show more content…
He understood that after to revolt and after the darkness that was within him, things could never be reversed. It’s the dawning of a new day and he was a new man. He realized that “sometimes a god comes. He brings a new way to do things, or a new thing to be done… What is, is. There is no use pretending, now, that we do not know how to kill one another”. It’s the exact same situation as Rick, once he saw the good and human like qualities in the droids, he couldn’t un-see it so he had to make a change in himself. Both authors implemented multiple obstacles for our protagonists to face, each changing their original characterization more and more in order to adapt until we are left with an almost completely different person than who the story opened