11 December 2012
Synthesis Prompt- Topic: Do Animals Have Souls? The definition of a soul differs from person to person. To some, what makes a human different from the rest of the animals is the soul. Many say that since animals’ intelligence is inferior to that of a human’s, they have no soul; since the soul is what makes humans the “master species”. It is revealed that animals are simply composed differently from humans. As said by Descartes, animals act solely upon their instincts and are unable to attain thought. Despite this, there does exist a possibility of a soul in animals. Some animals contain the ability to feel; whether it’s pain, joy, sorrow or happiness. Since these particular animals that have the capabilities to feel it is possibly conceivable that they have a soul. It has always been evident that animals are inferior to humans. Humans have thought that an animal’s mental capacity must have lacked something, given the fact that animals don’t have as advanced capabilities as humans. Despite some of them being stronger than us, animals can only be guided by instincts . Humans are even seen to act solely upon their natural instincts. For example, when a human is in danger, they automatically take one of two paths: fight or flight. Fight and flight are not skills that were learnt, just instincts that protect humans from danger. The same with rejecting harmful things or substances, automatically parrying punches, and protecting the brain while falling (Descartes). This is the way that animals act, instinctively. According to Descartes, the prime difference between animals and humans is that animals are incapable of acting upon passions, as humans do. Animals are only able to act upon instincts for the well-being and survival of their species. Among these actions are feeding themselves, defending themselves, and procreating to ensure that their species survives.
Unlike animals, humans have an intelligence capability