The main cause of the progress made in public health provision in the years 1848-75 was only partly caused by the shocking impact of repeated epidemics of cholera. Source 16 suggests that the severe impact of cholera did cause progress made in public health. Source 17 and 18 although do suggest that cholera did have an impact, progress however was made through other factors; dedicated individuals in Source 17 and scientific thinking in Source 18.
Source 16 claims that strong and healthy individuals are falling ill very suddenly leading to their deaths, which ‘will shake the firmest nerves and inspire fear in the strongest heart’. This suggests that the shocking impact of cholera did cause progress in public health. The 1832 cholera epidemic had a huge impact due to the 32,000 people who died. This coupled with its speed to spread and strike people caused the government to bring in new legislations. This is shown when the Board of Health was set up to make sure local boards of health were set up to inspect food, clothing and overall hygiene of the poor. However although many cities took advice on board and set up boards of health, knowledge into causes of cholera was still unknown so many measures tended to be a rather hit or miss affair. However since the government did take action shows they were willing to improve public health provision. However Source 16 only refers to the 1832 cholera epidemic. Although there were three more cholera epidemics after 1832 and deaths peaked at 62,000 in 1848, the impact of cholera seemed to reduce due to not only the decrease in deaths (14,000 by 1866) but also because of increase scientific knowledge in causes of cholera, such as when John Snow made the link between bad water and cholera in his Soho investigation where many deaths occurred with those next