Question 1 Answer: “Hmmm… Well I recall him saying something like this before his fight with the red dog: { Mowgli the Frog have I been, Mowgli the Wolf have I said that I am. Now Mowgli the Ape must I be before I am Mowgli the Buck. At the end I shall be Mowgli the Man. Ho! } He won the fight by being brave like a wolf, clever and silly like a monkey, willing like a buck, and determined like a man. But I think none of these he is one with one pack. He is Mowgli. Mowgli of the Jungle. And only that.”
Question 1 Reply: What a fascinating observation! Thank you. Onward to the next question…
Question 2: “What did you feel when you heard that Mowgli had been snatched by the langur to the Cold Lairs?” …show more content…
Or basically, when you think you’re doing a decent job and then, it’s not so decent. I thought I was doing so well with Mowgli. But then (sobs)... he started spitting at me… and… excuse me… (he sobbed for a while eating 3 bananas at once.). Yeah he was just being so rude to me because I was so ‘strict’. And then when I thought things were worst, he was taken to the Cold Lairs. I became sort of desperate to have my man cub back. I would go to the ends of the earth to get him back. And I did actually, no one goes to Kaa while he had just hunted. But to me and Bagheera, Mowgli is special. I knew that ever since I licked his feet on the day he roamed into the