women obtaining abortions are teenagers; those aged 15-17 obtain 6% of all abortions, teens aged 18-19 obtain 11%, and teens under age 15 obtain 0.4%. On another bracket women in their twenties account for more than half of all abortions; women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and women aged 25-29 obtain 24%. Lewis believes that sex education is not necessary, as long as there are contraception methods and abortion available in the United States. But according to the statistics above, parents need to educate their young kids about sex and the consequences and hardships they could face, but also teach them to effectively use the contraception methods that are available because in these times, sex is not a taboo anymore, like it was in prior centuries. Schools should also contribute to the education of young kids about sex, and how they can practice safe sex or abstinence instead of just touching base on the topic from a health class perspective because it would help teenagers and young adults realize the responsibility that’s involved with being sexually active, and how they can practice having safer sex. As adults, we cannot prevent or deprive a teenager from having sex; we would have to lock them in a cell or be with them at all times. But we have to admit that sex is part of our nature, and all we can do is inform our teenagers so they can act as they choose with the…
Kohler, P. K., & Lafferty, W. E., & Manhart, L.E. (2008). Abstinence-Only and Comprehensive Sex Education and the Initiation of Sexual Activity and Teen Pregnancy. Journal of Adolescent Health, 42(4), 344-351. Retrieved from http://www.columbia.edu/cu/psychology/courses/3615/Readings/Kohler_2008.pdf…
If children and adolescents are educated about sex practices at too young of an age it can encourage them to partake in sexual activities prematurely. This can result in teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and negative mental health or low self-esteem. If students are educated about sex with abstinence based program it can reduce the amount of teen pregnancies that occur. For example, Project IMPPACT in New York City “focuses on the importance of abstaining from sexual intercourse” (Lieberman, Gray, Wier, Fiorention, & Maloney, 2000). This program discovered that “Lower rates of adolescent sexual activity are associated with having parents who demonstrate a combination of traditional attitudes toward sexual behavior and effective communication practices” (Lieberman et al, 2000).…
In recent years, the question of whether schools should teach abstinence only programs or comprehensive sex education has been debated rigorously. Through his 2013 published piece, “Educating for Character in the Sexual Domain”, author Thomas Lickona focuses on the benefits of abstinence only programs. He uses the argument that abstinence creates character in today’s youth and cites multiple sources that support his viewpoint. On the other side of the discussion, authors of the article “Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S.”, David Hall and Kathrin Stanger-Hall address the lack of efficiency abstinence only programs provide. Published in 2011, their article relies heavily on…
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the average teenager engages in sexual intercourse by the age of seventeen, but do not marry until the mid-twenties (citation). This means that young adults are at an increased risk for unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections for nearly ten years or longer. The numbers of students engaging in sexual activity of ages thirteen to twenty-four continues to grow each year, as does the number of unplanned pregnancies and HIV infections due to not being fully educated about the risks. Today, the duty of educating students and teenagers about sexual intercourse and the risks involved is left to the government and public school system. Abstinence education programs in public…
Programs that focus on abstinence reinforce harmful gender stereotypes often painting girls as chaste and boys as hormone fueled sex fiends. The virginal portrayal of girls may make girls going through hormonal drives feel as if something is wrong with them. The pressure especially on young girls to remain pure is astronomical. Society expects women to be passive about sexuality and embarrassed of their developing bodies. Studies suggest that for fear of being considered promiscuous women are less likely to insist on safe sex practices and less likely to seek reproductive medical…
Chammas, Danielle. (2004, April 29). Abstinence-only programs: Has sexual education failed our nations young women? The Stanford Daily, Retrieved May 2, 2004, http://daily.stanford.edu/daily/servlet/tempo?page=content&id=13982&repository=0001_article…
There are two broad techniques used to provide sex education, comprehensive sex education and abstinence based sex education (Mezey, 2011). The abstinence-based avenue explains to children that it is morally wrong to have sex prior to a heterosexual marriage, which leads to many problems such as higher rates of unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and a lack of knowledge on all subjects related to sex and healthy relationships (2011). This is especially true amongst LGBTQIA+ and people with disabilities because they are left to find out sex and sexually related experiences through trial and error, and the Internet. Comprehensive sex education on the other hand, is when students are presented with every possible contraceptive option, their benefits and risks, statistical safety from preventing pregnancy and STDs/STIs (2011). Students also learn about what a healthy relationship is and how to effectively communicate their wants, needs, and limits in a sexual relationship. Comprehensive sex education is essential for students to grow into functioning adults, and thus participating members of a democracy (2011). Historically, sex education was not viewed as a necessary aspect for students until the 1960s and the demand for evidence-based education began in 1964. During this time period, Planned Parenthood established the Sexuality Information Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to effectively education the younger population on sex and sexuality (2011). SIECUS founded the National Guidelines Task Force in 1990 who’s mission was to make sex education a promotion of sexual health and providing a positive view on sex, in comparison to the immoral view that abstinence-based sex education provided…
Teen pregnancy rates throughout the nation are very high, and many people are trying to figure out how to cut theses rates down. Teaching abstinence or sex education in school has been a major issue throughout the United States for years. Many high schools teach abstinence- only in an attempt to lower the teenage pregnancy rates throughout the country. Many people believe sex education is what needs to be taught in high schools so teenagers are not going in blind and wind up pregnant. “Studies show that sex education reduces the likeliness for teen pregnancy by 50 percent.” Are either of these programs the most effective ways to prevent teenage pregnancy and unsafe sex? The government is funding both types of educations…
“The United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world. Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually” (“Teen Pregnancy”). Based on these statistics, high schoolers often enjoy unprotected sex. However, teenagers are not even close to being mature enough for the responsibility of raising a child. It is not an age issue, but a mental one, since teenagers do not realize that if protection is not used, they are simply asking for a baby. Teens do not bother thinking about the repercussions, and therefore, are missing out on life’s opportunities, including college, and a social life. Since parental wrath and abuse has not worked as a solution thus far, I propose to strike against teen pregnancy in a way that punishes the mother, father, and also the baby. Enumerating the consequences will assure the drastic drop of unprotected, premarital sex in the United States, since these repercussions will dissuade other teenagers from making the same mistake.…
My learning throughout this course was different than other courses. I read from a textbook, which was similar, but the application was different. Seeing as this is a foundations of education course, it was about the history of education for most of the course and how the history shapes the present, and will shape the future of education. The application was a lot different, however, due to the fact that the information learned throughout the course applied to different projects. For example, while gathering information for the debate on abstinence-only education in schools, it was important to take into account what life was like, and how our culture has evolved into one where sex is not a taboo topic anymore. With that in mind, having abstinence-only education made sense for students of a different time, but the information provided to students needs to change with the times. This is different due to the fact that for other courses, the projects would include information on current topics instead of cumulative information.…
Garcia shifts the conversation from sex education about abstinence-only and comprehensive sex education to the educational contexts of school based and local organizations on how their sex education, or lack…
The government and schools must now step in and place more effective abstinence programs to ensure that students are bombarded by information on the negative effects of sex. As Timken High shows us, many states have pitiful curriculums that are currently set. It does not make any logical sense to keep inadequate courses in the schools if they do not work! I thought schools and the government were responsible for teaching students information that would help them succeed in modern society and make smart decisions. By keeping these ineffective programs, it sends an implied message that the educational bodies simply do not care. Instead of working to ensure the achievement of a goal, they are, in some respect, condoning premarital sex. Currently in the state of California, there is a required sexual education class that all high school students must take before graduating. The program in California as well as that in Ohio is relatively similar in many respects. While not yet proven to be ineffective, the situation in Ohio and Timken High should be enough to compel education directors to alter the current curriculum. With schools being such an integral part in students' lives, schools must become a front runner in the battle against high school pregnancies. It is definitely a bold charge, yet essential, for schools' are held accountable for doing what is best for their…
In the past, Congress has funded abstinence-only programs over abstinence-plus education. The $102 million (0) currently being spent on abstinence-only programs seems to be intended to serve social and political goals, instead of producing positive health results for youth. The government appears to be concerned with how others portray our citizens, as immoral beings, when sex is an inevitable occurrence. Abstinence-plus education emphasizes the benefits of abstinence while also teaching about contraception and disease-prevention methods. Abstinence-only programs education includes discussions of values, character building, and refusal skills. They promote abstinence from sex for unmarried people and do not teach about contraception. They do not reduce pre-marital sex, but they do cause young people to avoid contraception. Because of the ineffectiveness of abstinence-only programs, abstinence-plus education should be taught instead.…
In 26 states teen birth rates are on a rise and in 15 years the United States rate increased for the first time. When facing an unplanned pregnancy teens choose abortion for many reasons. Most young girls considering abortion are influenced by where she lives, her religious beliefs, her relationship with her parents, access to family planning services, and the reactions of her peers. Her educational level and socioeconomic status also play a role. They must also consider do they want the baby? Can they afford to raise the child? How will it impact her life? Am I ready to be a mother?…