We believe that health is not a privilege, but a basic right of every Filipino.
THEGENERICSPHARMACY stemmed from its mother company, registered in 1949. In 1959, when a group of Filipino entrepreneurs took over, the company began importing and wholesaling pharmaceutical products.
In 1989, with the prices of medical and pharmaceutical products soaring, the company decided to sell generic drugs primarily to government hospitals to help less privileged Filipinos avail affordable quality medicines.
Heeding the call for cheaper medicine, the company stepped up its distribution by opening its retail arm in 2001. In 2007, THEGENERICSPHARMACY tapped Francorp, the world leader in franchising, to engineer its franchise development and growth. The goal is to make affordable generic medicine more available to a greater number of the population at the soonest possible time. It thus became the first generics retail pharmacy to franchise in the Philippines.
1.2 Statement of Objectives
1.2.1 General Objectives
• To develop a Computerized Point -Of-Sale with Inventory System for Generic Pharmacy.
2. Specific Objectives
• To design a system capable of accepting/performing transactions from different suppliers.
• To create a system that store the records of every supplier and information in a centralized database which will allow retrieval and processing of records.
1.3 Significance of the study The research topic has significance in the following respondents:
• Drugstore Seller -To lessen the time consumed in computing the statistical report of the pharmacy. -To present a quick and accurate retrieval of necessary information and saving of files.
• Manager
-To lessens the time consumed when He/She wants to check the status of their employee.
1.4 Scope and Limitation
• Scope: -The system will cover