Ethical lens inventory identified how my personal ethical decisions are influenced. The result of the ethical lens inventory stated my preferred lens is none periscope or paralysis. The core values of autonomy, equality, rationality, and sensibility are foundation for ethical behavior. In my autonomy core value I function with rationality to determine how I fit into that job role. Any task that is assigned or need doing is thought of with purpose and how it is beneficial. Equality core pertain to how I want balance for everyone involved in a project, to maintain a since of fairness. Sensibility core does reflect my internal feelings when using intuition before proceeding with a job or task that is in question.…
Everyone may have strengths and weaknesses. Based on what I have learned from the Ethical Lens Inventory I found my strengths are fortitude and compassion. I demonstrate courage and steadiness in the face of obstacle. Because I value equality, when I am at my best, I demonstrate compassion for others. My weaknesses are confusion and entitlement. So I have to develop the practice of mindfulness and reflection, at some point I will confront the loss of my center, especially if I lose the role with which I have become identified. I pay attention; my temptation will be to believe that I entitled to special privileges because I have not…
Personal ethics provides a foundation for an individuals’ moral scale. It reflects personal beliefs on values, morals, right, and wrong. Personal ethics is influenced by family, friends, community, religion, culture, and coworkers; and that can have a positive or negative impact. Personal ethics varies from person to person; some points may be similar whereas others will differ. Personal ethics drives actions, and to some point, emotions day by day. Depending, on the individual our personal ethics and where we stand will lead us on a path of failure or success.…
There were many results of my ethical lens inventory. The results of my classical values are temperance. I value individual balance and restraint in the want for pleasure that I seek to fulfill my duties. My key phrase is “I am responsible”, because of this I assume that what I think is responsible should apply to everyone. My definition of ethical behavior is “fulfilling duties”, I feel an ethical person would be one who fulfills their duties and does the right thing. The tools I use to analyze problems are reason. I tend to think about problems carefully and research them so I am receiving the fullest and accurate data. My blind spot would be that “Belief that motive justifies method”. This means that I could unknowingly cause people upset and pain because I am focused on good motives. It also means I believe that there is a set of individual rules that everyone should follow, it also means that I follow the rules. My seeing clearly is listening to my heart, I always follow my heart about everything before my head and that could also be a downfall. Sometimes I put my belief above others because it is what I think is right, but what I think is right is not always right. My personal lens could affect my academic behavior by my crisis which is becoming exhausted. Being exhausted and not pacing myself could definitely direct my academic behavior. It could direct it by being tired and exhausted therefore not being able to perform academically to the best of my abilities. My ethical lens influences my critical thinking because it means that I am responsible. By being responsible and wanting to fulfill my duties to the best of my ability it means I ask questions and research everything, therefore…
If only it was easy enough to determine which is the right way to find the right ethical path as it is cleaning a mirror. Throughout life, we are constantly making decisions about everything. The decisions we make can be rooted from the values we hold dear to ourselves. Not only does our conscience enable us to think about our decisions, but ethics brings our thoughts to life and influences our behaviors. Therefore, ethics is said to be the set of glasses through which you view the world.…
Even though blind spots and weaknesses in ethics can hinder outcomes, improving and using my ideals with compassion and care for others will benefit the community. Completing the Ethical Lens Inventory activity put into perspective areas of my ethics and how decisions I make may affect my outcomes. This exercise made me look at myself as if through someone else’s eyes by showing me my preferred ethical lens, blind spot, strengths and weaknesses, my values, and the resulting behaviors.…
This brief synopsis as a human service worker in which I make every effort to help people, groups, and communities to triumph over their issues and struggles. As a human service worker I almost certainly would come across many ethical predicaments that involve susceptible issues such as discrimination, social unfairness, and oppression, poverty, substance abuse and mental health issues. As a human service worker or provider my personal principles may become an ethical difficulty with reference to discrimination of any sort because of my private belief but of course I am conscious of how many ethical standards that can be challenged if I allow my individual view to develop into concern. Nevertheless of course I identify with knowing and should no bet use as an unbiased conclusion unless the circumstances turn out to be dangerous to myself or the client involved. Next, if this circumstance come to pass then I would use the code of moral principles produced by the national association of human service workers as a most important point addressing ethical predicament which it may cause. On the other hand, I was in a circumstance where a person that I was helping he was very serious and clear in his mind and full detail about who he wanted to work with and talk too. He was discriminating against a co worker because of skin color and race although we were on the job and others was watching him he decided to be rude and very sarcastic for no apparent reason. I wanted to voice my opinion but I didn’t but finally one day I decided to read the code of ethics at work and fill out a report on him with other co workers so that the discrimination could stop. It ended up being better than before the man was disciplined but functioning in the human service department there will be times when you do not agree with your client and your own principles could turn…
Merck & Company invested millions of dollars to develop a treatment for river blindness, a disease of the developing world that has infected 18 million people and poses a risk for 127 million people. River blindness is caused by the bite of black flies that deposit larvae of a parasite under the skin of their victims. When the larvae mature into adult worms, the adults reproduce millions of the immature forms of the parasites that migrate throughout the tissues of the body causing severe and never-ending itching and lesions in the skin. These parasites eventually reach the eyes causing an inflammatory reaction that slowly destroys the eye tissue. Victims of the disease are unable to be productive. The disease is especially prevalent in areas of Africa and South America. In Cameroon, for instance, 95% of the children between the ages of 5 and 7 who were examined carried the parasite.…
Updated: The Company says the shutdown that stopped e-mail service to BlackBerry users resulted from a software upgrade that went awry.…
With cheating there are always many things that are effected. While many students think about the themselves and whats best for them to pass a hard class. They never realize the effects of what it would have on a person who witnessed it especially if it was a friend. Francesca is caught in a situation where in her college chemistry class she witnesses her friends cheating on their mid-term. She was studying all night long for this test while her friends were out all night partying. Normally this cheating would not affect her but in this chemistry class the teacher grades on a curve. If the kids do well on the test because of cheating the curve would not be in the favor of the other kids and Francesca. Francesca is debating if she should let it go or tell the teacher. If Francesca uses the Utility test it would be ethical for her to tell the teacher that her friends were cheating on the mid-term so the curve is not effected.…
Ethics can be defined as the code of moral principles that sets standard of good or bad, or right or wrong, in one's conduct (Schermerhorn 2005). Ethics is important for a manager's decision because every decision they made, they had to consider who will be affecting and the outcome of the decision to the company. Different managers had different concept of ethical decision. Thus, there are four views of ethics in influencing a manager's ethical decision for the best of the company that is the utilitarian view, rights view, theory of justice and lastly integrative social contracts theory. This essay will discuss on the four views of ethics and relate each of the views with a recent example.…
Why Study Ethics? If we have laws and religion, why do we need ethics? Ethics is the study of right and wrong. Everyone makes decisions each day that are essentially choices. For some, choices are considered strictly personal and no one else’s business: Should I have a strip of bacon with my eggs? But for some, even that simple choice has ethical ramifications: Should I eat meat? Is it anyone else’s concern that I eat meat? Other choices confront us as the day progresses: Should I call in sick? Should I obey the speed laws as I drive to work? Should I answer a friend’s question honestly or lie and potentially hurt her feelings? Should I be faithful to my spouse? How does one find answers to these questions? For some, laws and religion provide the answers. But for most, those two sources are insufficient. Ethical Relativism In the past for most people and even for many people today, an objective moral standard that is binding on all people for all times exists. While there might be disagreement on what the standard was, most acknowledged that there was a “right” choice. But in the last half-century, there has been considerable erosion in the idea that a standard exists or is even needed. For many, decisions about what is right and wrong are complete personal and completely subjective: what is right for me may not be right for you. This is known as ethical relativism. It asserts that whatever an individual deems morally acceptable is acceptable for that person. To judge that is often considered unacceptably intolerant. As relativism or situation ethics, as it was called by some, grew in the 1960s, some critics warned that an attitude of complete toleration would make it difficult, if not impossible to reasonably discuss ethical issues. If no one view is better than another, how can one distinguish civilized from uncivilized behavior, or good and evil. If ethical choices are essentially the same…
Ethical Dilemmas Case Studies Professional Accountants in Business December 20112 Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3 Case Study 1...............................................................................................................................5 Pressure to overstate stock valuation ...................................................................................5 Case Study 2............................................................................................................................... 7 Pressure to participate in fraudulent activity........................................................................ 7 Case Study 3...............................................................................................................................9 Suspicion of false accounting.................................................................................................9 Case Study 4............................................................................................................................. 11 Company restructure – working with limited resources.....................................................11 Case Study 5.............................................................................................................................13…
The textile industry in Bangladesh employs three million people and makes up 80% of the country’s exports (ABC News 2013). However, there is a history of unsafe working conditions and deaths (Ahmed and Peerlings 2009; Ahmed 2004, 38). A factory collapse recently killed over 1000 workers and as a result, various companies are signing a safety accord (Ferguson and Jolley 2013). This is an ethical decision that can impact those company’s stakeholders. The decision can be made under various ethical models, such as moral rights, social justice (Waddell, Jones and George 2011, 148) and utilitarianism (Duska 2007, 22-25). This paper will argue that the accord should be signed according to the utilitarian model.…
Stakeholders are part of strategic planning because they hold a major part of influence in how a company will do things to satisfy their needs. Stakeholders are basically everyone that has a stake in the business. The stakeholders view of a compay responsibility are Stockholders, Creditors, Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Government, Unions, Competitors, Local communities, and the general puplic (Pearce, 20110).…