1.1 explain the pattern of development in the first three years of life and the skills typically acquired at each stage
1.2 explain: a how development and learning are interconnected b how and why variations occur in rate and sequence of development and learning c that learning may take place in different ways d the importance of play
1.3 explain the potential effects on development, of pre conceptual, pre birth and birth experiences
1.4 explain the impact of current research into the development and learning of babies and young children
2.3 plan play based activities and experiences based on assessments to support development and learning
3.1 explain the benefits of the key worker/person system in early years settings
3.2 explain how babies and young children learn and develop best from a basis of loving, secure relationships with carers and with key persons in work settings
3.3 analyse the possible effects of poor quality attachments on the development of babies and children
4.3 explain how babies express their emotions, preferences and needs and demonstrate responsive care in own practice.
4.4 explain why it is important to manage transitions for babies and young children
4.5 explain when and why babies and young children require periods of quiet to rest and sleep
5.1 explain the primary importance of carers in the lives of babies and young children
5.3 evaluate ways of working in partnership with carers
Unit 32: Care for the Physical and Nutritional Needs of Babies and Young Children
1.4 explain organisational or regulatory procedures that protect babies, young children and practitioners when providing personal care and why these are necessary
2.1 plan daily and weekly routines for babies and young children suitably personalised to meet individual needs
2.3 explain the principles of effective toilet training and how this is incorporated into routines