Something that I found very interested from this documentary was to see how the family has helped and encouraged David to compete in special olympics and even though David seemed to be doing many things that probably people never though he was going to be able to accomplish still doesn’t accept that he has down syndrome. I found very interesting to see that the family accept that David has down syndrome but he has a hard time accepting this, which is very different from what I read on the book. But in overall I really enjoyed this movie and there are a few things that I would like to know more about the movie such as whole Kevin was able to recovery from his injury but Mark who was in the same hospital didn’t had the same luck as Kevin. Can we say that this was just something that happened and docrtos had not control of it, or can we say that this has to do with money. Maybe Mark didn’t had the same amount of Kevins family?. Whatever the issue was, the reality is that money does play a big role when we talk about disabilities. As I have learn from this class money is an important tool in dealing with disabilities and it does makes a big
Something that I found very interested from this documentary was to see how the family has helped and encouraged David to compete in special olympics and even though David seemed to be doing many things that probably people never though he was going to be able to accomplish still doesn’t accept that he has down syndrome. I found very interesting to see that the family accept that David has down syndrome but he has a hard time accepting this, which is very different from what I read on the book. But in overall I really enjoyed this movie and there are a few things that I would like to know more about the movie such as whole Kevin was able to recovery from his injury but Mark who was in the same hospital didn’t had the same luck as Kevin. Can we say that this was just something that happened and docrtos had not control of it, or can we say that this has to do with money. Maybe Mark didn’t had the same amount of Kevins family?. Whatever the issue was, the reality is that money does play a big role when we talk about disabilities. As I have learn from this class money is an important tool in dealing with disabilities and it does makes a big