(Uploades til Absalon i ét eksemplar) Navn (Name) Katarzyna Inez Dawczyk Studienummer (Student ID) qtw401
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e-post (e-mail) k.inez.dawczyk@gmail.com
Ved gruppeopgave anføres øvrige navne (Names of other participants in group essays) Navn (Name) : __________________________ Navn (Name) : __________________________ Navn (Name) : __________________________ Navn (Name) : __________________________ Studienummer (Student ID)__________ Studienummer (Student ID)__________ Studienummer (Student ID)__________ Studienummer (Student ID)__________
If the information concerning length below is not filled in correctly, the assignment will be rejected and you will be graded as a ”no show”. ANTAL NORMALSIDER: 25 (Number of standard pages of 2400 keystrokes) ANTAL TYPEENHEDER: 60 178 (Total number of keystrokes, including spaces and notes but not cover pages, bibliographies and appendices). OMFANG AF OPGAVER: Længden af en opgave er en del af opgaven – hverken for lange eller for korte opgaver accepteres. LENGTH OF THE ASSIGNMENT: Neither too long nor too short assignments are acceptable. SÆT KRYDS (Mark) SÆT KRYDS: (just Danish students) Individuel opgave X (Individual essay) Intern censor__________ se i studieordningen) Gruppeopgave _________ (Group essay) Ekstern censor X (se i studieordningen)
Studieelement/Modul (Study Element/Module) 47790313-01/ Module 3 (f.eks. 47790316 Modul 4: Skriftlig formidling) Emne (Subject) : Between Documentary and Fiction (f.eks. Japansk Film) Er opgaven fortrolig (sæt kryds) JA___ (Is the essay confidential?) (mark) Studieordning (sæt kryds): (Curriculum) (mark) : NEJ X (Yes) EKSAMINATOR: Arild Fetveit (Examiner) (No)
__ Anden studieordning: _________________________
__Gymnasierettet Kandidattilvalg 2008-ordningen __Grundudd. i Film- og Medievidenskab 2005 - eller 2012__ __BA-tilvalg i Medier og Kultur, Tvær
Bibliography: Andrei Tarkovsky, “Sculpting in Time”, trans. Kitty Hunter-Blair, Austin: University Texas Press, 1986, p.58 Annette Insdorf,“ Double Lives, Second Chances”, MIRAMAX, New York 199, p. 16-59 Anne Jerslev“ Realism and Realty in Film and Media”, Museum Tusculanum Press University of Copenhagen 2002, p. 16 Arthur McDowall“ Realism. A Study in art and thought”, E.P.Dutton& Company, New York 1852, p.1-86 Bill Nichols,“ Introduction to Documentary”, Indiana University Press, 2001, p.1-88 Brian Winston, “Claiming the real. The Griersonian Documentary and Its Legitimations”, British Film Institute, 1995, p.8-11 Christopher Williams, “ Realism and the Cinema”, A Reader, London: Routledge 1980, p.2-100 Danuta Stok, “ Kieslowski on Kieslowski”, faber and faber, London 1993, p.1-264 Dave Saunders, “ Documentary”, Routledge, London, p.1-32-Introduction Edward Branigan, “Narrative, Comprehension and Film”, Routledge, London, 1992, p.1-32 James Monaco, “ How to read a film”, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2000, p.17-27 Joseph G.Kickasola “ The films of Krzysztof Kieslowski”, Joseph G.Kickasola, continuum, London 2004,p.23-29 Julia Hallam, Margaret Marshment,“ Realism and popular cinema”, Julia Hallam, Manchester University Press, 2000, p.4-20 Marek Haltof,“ The cinema of Krzysztof Kieslowski”, Wallfower Press, London, 2004, p.27,79 Lukasz Plesnar “ Represented Space in film” in “ The Jagiellonian University Film Studies”, Wieslaw Godzic, Universitas Krakow 1996, p.77 Patricia Aufderheide, “ Defining the Documentary” in “ Documentary Film. A very short introduction”, Oxford University Press, New Yor k, 2007, p.1-25 Paul Coates, 188 “ Kieslowki, Politics and Anti-Politics of Colour: From the 1970s to the Colours Trilogy” in “The Red and The White. The Cinema of People´s of Poland”, Wallflower Press, Great Britain, 200, p. 156-188 Philp Simpson, Andrew Uttern and K.J.Shepherdson, “Film Theory. Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies”, Routledge, London, 2004, p.3-149 Slavoj Zizek, “now I ve got glycerine”“ The fright of real tears. Between theory and post-theory”, British Film Institute, 2001, p.70-77 Slavoj Zizek, “ run witek run“ The fright of real tears. Between theory and post-theory”, British Film Institute, 2001, p.78-91 Slavoj Zizek, “ children of lesser god“ The fright of real tears. Between theory and post-theory”, British Film Institute, 2001, p.93-107 Stella Bruzzi,“ Introducion” in “ New Documentary. A Critical Introduction”, Routledge, London, 2000, p.4 Steven Woodward , “After Kieslowski. The Legacy of Krzysztof Kieslowski”, Wayne State University Press, Michigan, 2009, p. 4, 70-186 Websites: www. Oxforddictionaries.com http://home.foni.net/~vhummel/Hawthorne/hawthorne_1.3.html Interviews with Kieslowski: “I „m So – So”: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iR8hvDQWCk “Conversations with Kieslowski”:www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wr12J7DvAg 100 questions to Kieslowski( 100 pytan do Kieslowskiego):www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vBAiQClEoQ