1.1 Preliminary Study
A school is incomplete without a registrar. A registrar is an official in an academic institution (a college, university, or secondary and primary school) who handles student records. Typically, a registrar processes registration requests, schedules classes and maintains class lists, enforces the rules for entering or leaving classes, and keeps a permanent record of grades and marks. This is very essential because the information of the students is filed here. All schools must have a registrar department. Elementary, High schools and universities consist of this department. In elementary and high schools, the information of all enrolled students must file in the registrar office. All the grades and the subjects enrolled by the students or simply the Form 137. This is the transcript of records of each students that only registrar department can hold. While in the colleges or universities, the registrar holds the records of the students both regular and irregular students. The process is the same with primary and secondary schools.
1.2 Background of The Study
From simply Novaliches Elementary School, how Rosa L. Susano Novaliches Elementary School turned out to its name today is worth mentioning.
Like most schools, Rosa L. SusanoNovaliches Elementary School has its own shares of sunrises and sunsets. Vestiges of the past could still trace on its humble beginnings.
Back in 1923, the Novaliches Elementary School as it was formed called, the first saw the heart of Novaliches Bayan, in the so called Poblacion which was a few hundred meters away from its present site. During that time, it already offered a complete curriculum of the elementary level with its seven teachers.
During the last week of October, 1928, a well-known philanthropist Don Tomas Susano Sr. donated a lot area for the school. The 12,000 square meter land was suitable in Barangay Gulod.
The buildings occupied by the school