Speaking from a personal experience, students that are playing dodgeball enjoy themselves even when they get out. Even when a student gets eliminated from the game, they still have a chance to get back in which shows how they can always be involved. I feel happy when I am included which shows that I am enjoying the game of dodgeball. This shows enjoyment among the students playing because although they are not physically in the game when they get out, many students that get out still have fun because they have a chance of getting back into the game if someone throws a ball to them in jail. That is fun for the people playing because then they do not feel excluded and there is always a place for them to go in the game whether they are in or out. Lastly, dodgeball should remain as part of the curriculum because it lets children rivalries fight against each other in a non-violent way. If a student and another student do not get along, rather than beating eachother up and saying hurtful things to each other, they can resolve their issues by battling it out in a game of dodgeball. This example explains why dodgeball should not be banned
Speaking from a personal experience, students that are playing dodgeball enjoy themselves even when they get out. Even when a student gets eliminated from the game, they still have a chance to get back in which shows how they can always be involved. I feel happy when I am included which shows that I am enjoying the game of dodgeball. This shows enjoyment among the students playing because although they are not physically in the game when they get out, many students that get out still have fun because they have a chance of getting back into the game if someone throws a ball to them in jail. That is fun for the people playing because then they do not feel excluded and there is always a place for them to go in the game whether they are in or out. Lastly, dodgeball should remain as part of the curriculum because it lets children rivalries fight against each other in a non-violent way. If a student and another student do not get along, rather than beating eachother up and saying hurtful things to each other, they can resolve their issues by battling it out in a game of dodgeball. This example explains why dodgeball should not be banned