Name: Nejoom Taher
GGU ID: 0571638
Applied Critical Thinking
Research Paragraph
Instructor: Natalie Barbera
Summer 2013
Obesity rates have been increasing in the recent years which makes people concern about the reasons of it. Despite the fact, that many studies indicate there is no direct correlation between obesity and advertising, people continue to believe that food and beverages marketing is one of the main reasons for increasing obesity. The reason for this believes is because they think that ads attract consumers to buy unhealthy food. As a result of increasing obesity and public pressure, food manufacturers …show more content…
Currently, comparing to previous years, the rates of obesity particularly increase among children. According to " Advertising to Children" (n.d.), the obesity rate of children and adolescents rose by 16% who between 12-19 years, and about 15% of children between 5-11 are obese compared to the past three decades. Although, some food and beverages companies eliminated their ads as mentioned previously, some research proved that there is no relationship between the increase in obesity and food marketing. For instance, the article "Advertising bans miss the mark" (n.d.) reported that the rates of children 's obesity increased in Britain to 40 percent despite a drop of advertisements that were seen by ages 4-15 by 50 percent during 1994 to 2004. Hence, this is a proof that there are some other factors which lead to grow obesity rates. One of the most important factors which led to obesity is a genetic factor. This means there is a gene responsible for gaining weight, thus food marketing cannot be responsible about this issue. To illustrate, Rogers (2013) showed that National Institute of Health has concluded that people who are likely to be obese as a result of sugary drinks are the ones who have this gene. One of the other reasons for obesity is the lack of exercise. For example, the article" What Causes Overweight and Obesity?" indicated …show more content…
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