
Does Delegation Help or Hurt Nursing?

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Does Delegation Help or Hurt Nursing?
Does delegation help or hurt nursing?
A Research Paper

Fiona Molloy
Dr. McDonnell/Bill Miller
HSA 420

Does Delegation Help or Hurt Nursing?

Chapter One: The History of Nursing.
The first nursing school was established in India in about 250 B.C., and only men were permitted to attend because men were viewed to be more pure than women. If you think of a woman dressed in scrubs with a stethoscope around her neck and a clipboard in her hands, you aren’t alone. An overwhelming majority of nurses in the United States today are women. However, nursing began as a practice reserved for men. It wasn’t until the 1800 's that nursing became an organized practice. During the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale and 38 volunteer nurses were sent to the main British camp in Turkey. Nightingale and her staff immediately began to clean the hospital and equipment and reorganized patient care. Nightingale pushed for reform of hospital sanitation methods and invented methods of graphing statistical data. When she returned to Britain, Nightingale aided in the establishment of the Royal Commission on the Health of the Army. As a woman, Nightingale could not be appointed to the Royal Commission, but she composed the Commission’s report. (Travel Nurses of America, 2010) Completed, the report was over 1,000 pages in length and included detailed statistical information. Nightingale’s work led to drastic changes in army medical care, the establishment of an Army Medical School and medical records, and ignited the growth of nursing as an organized profession. For these contributions, Nightingale is widely accepted as the founder of nursing. Ironically, nursing has been taken on as a feminine profession, although as aforementioned, that was not its intention.
Nursing are an extremely vital component of health care settings. According to the World Health Organization, nursing is defined as such: “Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages,

Bibliography: "World Health Organization". The British Medical Journal (BMJ Publishing Group) 2 (4570): 302–303. 7 August 1948. JSTOR 25364565. Saccomano, S.J. & Pinto-Zipp G. (2011) Journal of Nursing Management 19, 522–533 Registered nurse leadership style and confidence in delegation. American Nurse Association- American Nurses Association, USA Nursing Commission. 2007. Zimmerman, Sue. On the Edge: Nursing in the Age of Complexity. Bordentown, NJ: PlexusPress, 2008. Print. Murphy E. RN Liability Exposure for Delegated Acts. AORN. 1999. p/articles/mi_m0FSL/is_1_69/ai_53638474. Accessed August 18, 2008. Curtis and Nicholl. (2010) Benefits and limitations of nurses taking on aspects of the clinical role of doctors in primary care: integrative literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(8), 1658–1670. "Betty Neuman: The Neuman Systems Model (Notes on Nursing Theories) [Paperback]." Betty Neuman: The Neuman Systems Model (Notes on Nursing Theories): Karen S. Reed Gerhrling: 9780803948624: Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Snyder DA, Medina J, Bell L, Wavra TA. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. AACN Delegation Handbook. 2nd ed. 2004. legationHandbook.pdf. Accessed 18, 2008. National Council of State Boards of Nursing Finkelman, M. "Delegation in Nursing." : Professional Nursing Concepts: Competencies for Quality Leadership; Do We Delegate? N.p., Aug. 2005. Web. 11 Apr. 2013.

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