CLUB Club nameClub Address Club Phone Club Email |
TEAMCLUBTeam Id Club Name | MATCH RESULTWinning teamResultOver’s played Player matchCOACHCoach Id Coach NameCoach AddressCoach PhoneCoach Email |
PLAYER Player IdPlayer NamePlayer AddressClub NameTeam IdPlayer Date of Birth | |
MATCH SCEDULE DateGround NumberTeam Id Time startUmpire Id | GROUND Ground NumberGround Name Contact PersonCurrent Status |
UMPIREStaff Id |
STAFF Staff Id Staff NameStaff MobileStaff Email | OFFICALStaff IdPassword |
Relational Data Structures : Team (Team id, team name, player name, grading)
Club (Club name, club address, club phone, club email)
Team Club (Team id, club name)
Coach (coach id, coach name, coach address, coach phone, coach email)
Player (player id, player name, club name, team id, date of birth)
Ground (ground number, ground name, contact person, current status)
Match schedule (date, ground number, team id, time start, umpire id)
Match result (wining team, runs, over’s played, player of match)
Assumption: * A Club can have one or many teams * A Team can have one or many club so that comes out to many to many relations that can be broken to one too many relations. * A team can play one or many matches. * A one or many matches played by one team. * A coach can have one or many players. * A player can have only one coach. * A ground can have one or many matches. * One or many matches can be played on single ground.