Globalization is regarded as the process of shorten the distance, in many aspects, of our world. The benefit of globalization is said to be high efficiency and the growth of gross domestic product (GDP). Some sociologists believe that globalization benefits more at developed countries than developing countries.
Due to the development of public transportation and mass media, the concept of world become smaller and smaller. We now can travel from one side of the world to the opposite side of it within one day, which might take months in the past. People can experience different culture easily by convenient public transportation. Thanks for mass media, the information can be spread fast and powerful these days. People can hold activities and even a strike on it. For example, Tunisian Revolution, also known as the Jasmine Revolution, was sparked by the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi at Tunisia on 17 December 2010. Tunisian philosopher Youssef Seddik believed it spread on mainstream media, such as Facebook, faster in foreign countries rather than Tunisia itself. However, there are some people criticise the mainstream media gave less coverage and less sympathy to this revolution at the same time. These are the power of globalization in media. Both developed and developing countries benefit from it.
Regarding to economic, tourism become an important income for government, especially countries such as Australia and New Zealand. Singapore is another example. Although they don’t have rich natural resources, the excellent position and government’s policy make them one of the Four Asia Tigers in 1990’s. At this term, globalization benefit both developed and developing countries.
Multinational Enterprise is another result of globalization. These transnational corporations make huge amount of money due to its enormous colony throughout the world. Enterprise such as McDonold, Starbucks, Apple etc., is the winner of this game. It is obvious that most of these international corporations belongs to developed countries.
Due to the huge standard, these multinational enterprise are able to offer customers a lower the price because of the lower cost they can get. This will lead to the disappearing of some local company, since they cannot survive in this harsh environment. Social Darwinism will take this as granted since they believe in natural selection and only the fitness can survive. However, other sociologist consider it as a loss of culture, since these small local shops represent how people trade and their system of value. In this aspect, it is believed that developed countries benefit more since most of these enterprise come from developed countries.
When it comes to culture, some sociologists describe globalization as Westernization. The truth is that the culture in developed countries dominant our world. Hollywood movies is regarded as the best movie production which influence audience mind and concept in some ways. For instance, Asian people wants to be white since white is seen as superior and successful. Under these dominant culture, local culture is facing a severe situation. People are forgetting these traditional customary, since the modern way of living is considered easier and convenient. People in Taiwan no longer eat rice as breakfast. Western breakfast, such as bread and milk, is a common choice nowadays. Although wearing traditional clothing walk on street is fine in Japan, people in Taiwan no longer wear traditional clothing anymore. Either developed countries or developing countries are facing this cultural disappearing problem. Thousands of different existing languages is the representative of our diversify culture. However, it is believed that 80% of 5,600 existing languages today will disappear two hundred years later. However, most of the sociologist believed it is more severe in developing countries, since government might not put effort to keep their traditional culture in the process of developing.
It seems like everyone benefit from this huge profit in the global system of division and cooperation. Developed countries come up with ideas of product and marketing campaign; developing countries offer natural resources and labours. Both developed and developing counties benefit from this process. Government believes factory decreases the unemployment rate. However, according to the survey, most of the profit, within this division and cooperation system, belongs to original ideas and branding, which belongs to developed countries again. What’s more, the low salary for the labour in developing countries, which is the reason why the factories are set in developing countries, is actually the exploitation. On the other hand, the abuse of natural resources may cause damage to environment, which is hard to recover, and global warming as well.
In conclusion, both developed and developing countries benefit from the development of public transportation, mass media, and tourism. However, some sociologists believe when it comes to multinational enterprise, culture, and the global system of division and cooperation, developed countries gain the most profit while developing countries need to face a more serious situation, such as immorally use of labour or be responsible for the sake of global warming.