The Asia Pacific geographically contains considerably complicate areas comprising long coastline and the largest archipelago area of the world. The Pacific Ocean occupies approximately 50 percent of the ocean surface . The diversity of races, religions believes and historical backgrounds significantly influence difficulties and cooperation among the countries. Its security circumstances have been multiplied by the current of globalization physically and psychologically causing the regional security has become more sophisticated. The Asia Pacific maritime area, one of the most international concern areas, is inevitably affected by spreading of global threats and traditional conflicts. The concept of good order at sea is clearly defined as “ the maritime safety and security of shipping and permits countries to pursue their maritime interests and develop their maritime resources in accordance with agreed principles on international law ”, which has widely been recognized in the global maritime awareness. However, the concept is facing to the various challenges from the globalization and consequence of the 9/11 event.
The aim of this essay is to examine the major challenges of the concept of good order at sea and analyse does good order at sea prevail in the Asia Pacific region? A Good Order at Sea and Its Challenges
According to the Till’s concept, there are five attributes regarding a good order at sea in the second edition of his book, Sea power, comprising a good order from the shore, use of the sea as a resource, a medium of transportation, an area of dominion, and an environment .
To begin with, a good order from the shore have challenged by the domestic political instability in the regional countries directly resulting in lack of efficient public administration and law enforcement at sea. Due to the fact that the Asia Pacific contains 49 countries