In 1852, Massachusetts was the first state in the, United States of America to enact a compulsory education law. This law required every city and town in Massachusetts to offer primary school focusing on grammar and basic arithmetic to be mandatory for children to attend. Prior to this law, states only offered private schools run by the catholic churches and since these schools charged tuition, it made it difficult for children with poorer background to receive a full education. This would eventually change during the immigration boom during 19th and 20th centuries and lead to other states to enact the compulsory education law. More subjects since have been added to schools and have been mandatory …show more content…
This vote will put a president in that will either change America for the better or for the worse. This president will serve for at least one term, four years, or two terms if elected into office again. A telephone poll taken in 2012 gave adults question seen on the U.S. citizen test, 65% of native born Americans could pass the test, and the other 36% could not pass the test. This poll suggests there are less than half of American adults that are uneducated but still voting for our president. Some of the questions asked on the citizenship test were on the three branches of government, American history, and questions on politics. Michael Ford, the director at the Study of the American Dream at Xavier University in Cincinnati explained “44% of those with a high school education or less passed the test.” Sandra Day O’Connor, a former Supreme Court justice commented "We always assumed that those who grew up here were getting that in the school system. That stopped being true a couple decades ago, and you can see the results of that in this study." In my opinion the curriculum should require that children take U.S. history for more than four years. In these four years students would go into depth learning all about how are country was establishes and is governed. When the children grow up and eventually receive the right to vote they will not be making