English II
5 October 2014
Rena's Promise Essay
Does history repeat itself? There are many different cases that have had leaders and governments that have used their power to commit crimes against humanity. There are many occasions before the 1990's all over the world that have had genocide against a certain population. Some of the most famous crimes against humanity that are still talked about today are Communist in China, Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, and Muslim militia and the government in Sudan. Also many of these crime against humanities have crimes that ties them with the crimes in Germany with the Nazi's.
In China the communist party led buy the Mao Zedong they targeted the Chinese public. Mao Zedong launched The Great Leap Forward. ( The Great Leap Forward was Mao's attempt to Modernize China's economy so that by 1988, China would have an economy that rivaled America). (The Great Leap Forward planned to develop agriculture and industry. Mao believed that both had to grow to allow the others to grow). (To allow this, China was reformed into series of communes).
"The Great Leap Forward". History Learning Sites. 2005. September 18, 2014.
The communes were similar to the camps for the Jews. Communes varied in size but most hold a minimum of 5000 families around the same size as the concentration camps. People in the communes gave up ownership of tools, animals, etc. similar to the Jews. The only difference was that the communes provided schools and nurseries however in the concentration camps the Jews were provided barely with anything. In Rena's Promise Rena goes on and says- “The floor is dirt. There are no bunk beds here; there are shelves, wood planks, three tiers high. Where are the mattresses? Our beds look like horse stalls. There is a sour smell of human odor. There are rags for blankets. We stand, squeezing our bread in our hands, unable to cope, unable to move. A girl begins to cry. Like fire in a stable her