In the last decade, a question has arisen amongst the nation in general; does immigration really benefit the UK? This was never originally a problem, since at a point in history; immigrants were more than welcomed into the country. They were celebrated. It was because after the war, Britain was seriously understaffed. There were too many jobs available, and to fill these Eastern Europeans were invited to work. But recently, this number has boomed and jobs are again scarce. Recent studies have shown that a staggering 375,000 polish people are registered to work in the UK. And that an estimated 893,000 illegal immigrants are here in the UK, 400,000 more than second place Italy, making this country home to almost a quarter of all illegal immigrant in the EU. But is immigration really that much of a problem, or is it simply exaggerated.
Well at first site it certainly doesn’t seem so. Because sources such as ‘the Times’ have reported that an unbelievable 75% of jobs created in the past 15 years have been taken by immigrants in Britain. This is a problem for many reasons. Firstly, it means that Britons cannot get the job and this raises the unemployment rate. Another reason is that most of the money that they make will probably be sent back home and this is a big issue because it means that the money is not being put back into British circulation which weakens the already lacking economy. Experts say that the number of unemployed people has reached nearly 2million people and that means that immigrants are going to come into the country looking for work and not get it. This means that they can then claim benefits.
However, there are many upsides to immigration. Although many people complain that immigrants are taking the majority of jobs, they forget to say that most of those jobs are jobs that people don’t want to take; such as cooks or carpenters. The NHS, a source says, is made up of 37% immigrants, so immigrants are essential in