The media has a very influential power over people within society. As a collective we are constantly internalising a large influx of media all around as. This sort of media includes television, magazines, the internet, television and social media. Particularly in this postmodern era we are more than ever internalising media and its information because of its normalisation and use of it in everyday life (Gaunlett, 2008) . The media is a production of consumerism; this has been so since the industrial revolution. Consumerism intends for us to buy products that we see in the media. So the media depicts what we think we want to see which creates our identities or a perception of what and who we want to be (Gaunlett, 2008). According to Anthony Giddens, information and ideas in the media do not just reflect the social world but also contribute to its shape (Gaunlett, 2008). He also states that the media mirrors social expectations creating social reproduction (Gaunlett, 2008). The following essay will …show more content…
In this postmodern society influences of the media such as femininity, masculinity, sex and appearance are becoming almost inevitable as we associate with media on a daily basis. The media depicts what it is to be feminine though beauty and body image thought consumer products such as make up, what it is to be masculine. In a world where media is in our daily lives every day children and teenagers identities will be even more influence by the media as we become more technologically advanced. The study on the teenagers however did how that they were only influenced if it had context to their life. From this it can be identified that the media does have its limits. The media does a power to reproduce social constructions, however everyone has agency, and identities are not fixed only through systems of domination (Sarup,